Recent Content by MythicalArcher

  1. MythicalArcher
    Could anyone tell me what song plays when Sora and Riku reunite? I have the entire soundtrack but after trying to listen to all the songs, to pick out the one, my memory of the song gets distracted.
    Thread by: MythicalArcher, Mar 16, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. MythicalArcher
    I tried looking for ways to convert to PAL but everything says you need the an NTSC and a PAL version of a code to figure out the difference and blah blah.

    My problem is I cannot find any PAL code at all. Every code I find is for the NTSC version. So even manually porting is out of my reach.

    Is there some sort of code database for PAL games? (I've tried all the UK versions of code sites but for R&C 3 they only give the NTSC codes.

    If anyone wants to help I'd appreciate it.. really only looking for the infinite bolts code.
    Post by: MythicalArcher, Sep 26, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  3. MythicalArcher
    That's just it.. Not sure how to convert NTSC codes to PAL.. but I'll look around for that instead. Thanks.
    Post by: MythicalArcher, Sep 25, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  4. MythicalArcher
    Anyone have the PAL version codes?

    I've searched high and low both on this forum and on the internet for codes but everything comes up for NTSC version of ARMAX and Gameshark codes.

    Of course I tried them and they don't work at all. Anyone mind helping me out?
    Thread by: MythicalArcher, Sep 24, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: Code Vault
  5. MythicalArcher
    Anyone have the code for 98 Vanished Vision and Appeared Vision synthesis items?

    I don't see them on the front page along with the other new items.. Unless it's labeled something else?

    They're the two synthesis items awarded from the Absent Silhouettes and Terra

    And yes I did use the Mushroom and "new synthesis item" codes already so I know it's not those.
    Post by: MythicalArcher, Sep 12, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  6. MythicalArcher
    Hm, I was going to use the items.txt file on the first page, are they set up to give you 98 of them?
    Post by: MythicalArcher, Sep 9, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  7. MythicalArcher
    Synthesis code didn't work for me but I'm going to verify they're all put in correctly

    Edit: Ok well.. It worked. But it gave me 98 of all armors and accessories. No synthesis items. And I triple checked each code.
    Post by: MythicalArcher, Sep 9, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  8. MythicalArcher
    So if I want to do the 98x all synthesis items I have to do a code for each one?

    If so, wouldn't it be advisable to have that on only, get my items and then restart with my normal codes? That's alot of codes to be active.
    Post by: MythicalArcher, Sep 9, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  9. MythicalArcher
    Someone missed my post a couple pages ago? :S
    Post by: MythicalArcher, Sep 9, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  10. MythicalArcher
    Anyone have a code for all synthesis items? (98)

    Preferably condensed.. I didn't want to do a line for each one from the items txt file on the first page.

    Edit: Also is there a code to allow you to Drive no matter what? (Ex: Underworld before the Olympus Stone, tournaments, etc)
    Post by: MythicalArcher, Sep 9, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  11. MythicalArcher
    Ok here's a question about codes.. Not sure if it belongs asking here. But does it matter if you enter multiple codes under one cheat or must everything be separated into their own?

    I wanted to combine the "drive without supporting characters, party members don't disappear with drive, and sora can summon alone" codes into one label out of laziness of typing the other 2 labels.
    Post by: MythicalArcher, Sep 6, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  12. MythicalArcher
    Nevermind, rechecked my codes and they all turned out fine, but another code I got from another source snuck in. Took it out and everything works fine now :)
    Post by: MythicalArcher, Sep 5, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  13. MythicalArcher
    Positive. Using the codes on the first page of this thread.
    Post by: MythicalArcher, Sep 5, 2008 in forum: Code Vault