Recent Content by Mushi-shi

  1. Mushi-shi
    Hello everyone! First of all pardon me for my english. It's terrible, I know. :stupid:

    I'm trying to adjust the WMV video 'cause they are not so good. The original AspectRatio (I will refer to this concept writing "AR" in the rest of the post) is a kind of 16:9, but the linked WMV have an AR of 4:3.
    As you can see thechracters seem to be "taller", and the circles (like the shield or the keybade's mouse pendant) become oval. I'm tryng to recompress these WMV using Avisynth and the XviD codec and setting the corret AR, these are the results.








    Tech Datas

    As you can see there is a huge lost of detail, caused by the "enlargement" of the picture. But If I could use the original source of the video I think the result may be much better.
    If you are interested in my project (which results I will share with you all) I ask you to let me have access to the original untouched video sources.

    See ya (I hope) very soon! :woohoo:
    Post by: Mushi-shi, May 3, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX