Bah, I guess I won't be having fun with experience multiplyers (spelling...?).
Woulda been fun, after all I have completed KH2 like ten times without cheats so I kinda deserve to have some fun :D
? I'm not blaming you :D
Anyways, if they were for the NTSC version, it would say the master code is incorrect. I have used some cheats with that master code, so it obviously is the right one.
I'm still wondering what could be wrong with the experience codes...
Master code is the right one (or so I believe since Roxasora gave it to me, though I haven't seen any actual proof that it is), I'm using the correct AR (Max, PAL/uk version), the code was written correctly...
I'm certainly not interested in checking the whooole thread to just find few codes, so here goes:
Could someone please give me the 4x experience code AND master code (I can't open codejunkies)
for Action Replay Max PAL.