Recent Content by MSofAofCOCA

  1. MSofAofCOCA
    Wow, i never knew i was THIS obssesed until i found out there would be MORE games!!!!

    My parents soooooooooooooooooo better let me get the needed game station (or is it a PSP?)!!!!
    Post by: MSofAofCOCA, Feb 6, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. MSofAofCOCA

    what is emo?

    I've been wondering to myself lately if Zexion is emo....or suicidal.....or goth....or more like what 'emo' is in the first place, since i long ago learned not to trust parents with such a subject >.<'''''

    We had a health class called 'Signs of Suicide' where the teacher and some other people talked to us about how you can spot suicidals, emos, and clinicaly depressed people. I was signed up for this program to take a quiz every 4 months for a study to see wat percent of highschoolers are clinicaly depressed.

    Apparantely, i'm supposed to be seeing a psychologist, which is quite ironic seeing as i've been acting as one for my friends who are having problems, such as family and ricisim against them.

    Anyone have thoughts or comments on this?
    Thread by: MSofAofCOCA, Dec 20, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. MSofAofCOCA



    i hate racists. and my school is **** load full of them. Almost every kid i sit next to (mostly popular wh*res) are racist almost to everyone who wasn't born in america...i've already gotten detention for having a catfight with a sl*t girl in my spanish class, when she began making fun of my friends and family for being of different race. What i find demented, is that the girl was actually French....and so where the people she was making fun of.

    One of these days she's gonna die by my hand >=3
    Post by: MSofAofCOCA, Dec 20, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone