Hey does anyone have the Codes to play as Halloween Sora, Tron Sora, Timeless River Sora, KH1 Sora, Donald and Goofy?
And also Have all Keyblades and have Max Keyblades (X99)?
Ok, Thanks heaps. :=D:
I want to have most of the ORG 13 battles on multipule Jokers, just kinda like KH2:FM. Cause Im sick of restarting my PS2 just to select another ORG13 boss battle.
Ok, I really need help with this MaxConvert thing.
I keep puting in the codes i want and converting them, but when I put them on my ARMAX, it says its for the wrong game. I havent inputed the Game ID for it so do i need to do that? And if I do, how do I get the Game ID? Can anyone help me?
Hey, can anyone tell me some codes of the joker codes?
e.g This is the code for R2 Joker: B5ZH-XK7H-13Y3D
Can someone tell me the codes for other joker button codes?
So, does anyone have the code that allows you to use Summon without any Party Members disappearing?
And to unlock all Summons?
I really need it.