Recent Content by Mr. X. Bert

  1. Mr. X. Bert
    that's insanely awesome.

    Post by: Mr. X. Bert, Feb 10, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  2. Mr. X. Bert
    Alright. I know this looks bad, but I can justify everything.

    _____On thursday, Roxas IMed me asking me if I wanted him to make me a "sig". I almost said "no", but I wanted to compare what he did with something my friend drew. I asked him to make a banner for alucard. So he asks ME to find him a render from 'planetrenders'. so I go and get one. "I can't use that" he said. fair enough. So I run to google and search for pictures, comming up with several. I picked four and sent them to Roxas. He told me. He told me he couldn't use those. I knew, even though I hadn't used gimp or photoshop that this was crap. He said it would take "an expert" (notice the quotes) to do use those picutes. Something about not being able to make transparencies. I jumpped at the thought of being an "expert" and downloaded gimp. The next day, Friday, I started making it. I was pissed that Roxas would IM me asking for sig ideas, then abandon me. So I decided to prove him wrong; the pictures could be used. Easily. I used all of them and tried to make them as easily visible as possible. So, when I finnished, I sat around making fun of him for not doing anything with the picutres. On Monday, he told be he would try to use those same picutes again (a task at which he would fail again. Look. there are one three alucards. He spelled banished wrong too.) so he finnished today.

    In sumary, I didn't know I was going to be judged on the banner, I did think however, that I would beat Roxas anyway. foolhardy maby.
    Post by: Mr. X. Bert, Feb 6, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics