SO excited to get #2! That's the highest I've ever placed! But surprisingly enough, it isn't all that difficult to make a horror movie trailer out of Kingdom Hearts. It's all in syncing up the characters' mouths to the dialogue, cropping, and using unique camera angles that give you that "horror movie feel". For instance, at the part when it looks like Kairi is looking around panicking in the "eye doctor's", it's really just a first person perspective of Roxas discovering the computer room. It's all in the allusion, people! :P
Hey dude, I know where you are coming from. I'm also going into my second year of college, and although I'm living on campus, I feel a lot of the same emotions as you right now. It's a big, scary world out there, and bladdy blah, you've already heard all of these things from the people that responded before me :P
Don't feel ashamed by your love for certain series, rather, understand that they are part of what makes you you. You're not immature for liking these series; matter of fact, it's alright to get by day to day looking forward to a series all day. Do the work that is required of you, associate with friends and family for a bit too, but set aside some time for just yourself. I like to think of what makes me happy, and apply that to my daily life as much as possible. For all intents and purposes, I'll use Harry Potter as my example.
I listen to the Harry Potter podcast mugglecast every day in the car when I'm driving on my long commutes, and I'll tell you this, I now actually LOOK FORWARD to driving in my car every day. This brightens up my day a WHOLE lot more, and gives me the assurance that there are other people out there that enjoy a series as much as I do. So maybe a Sonic or Kingdom Hearts podcast would be a good start of something to listen to in the car rides to your college every day ^_^
I've met a lot of great people through similar interests, and since then, the "big scary world" doesn't seem so scary anymore. For instance, I went to a band camp two summers ago, and there stroke up a conversation with a girl who was hold a Harry Potter music book. Two years have passed, and we're now best friends, who have the best of times just reading the Harry Potter books out loud and talking about them in depth with each other.
I know that you may be thinking to yourself that I just really lucky, or that I was really brave to talk to a complete stranger, and really, I understand what you may be thinking. The reassuring thing is that when you are around someone that you don't know, they may be feeling the SAME exact ways that you described; awkward, shy, unsure of themselves.
Somewhere that I'd suggest for you to start up a conversation with someone with similar interests to you is in your school's commuter lounge. Most schools have them, and serve the exact purpose you're looking for: a way for people to get to know each other although they don't live on campus. You already have in common that you are both living at home and drive to school each day. That's a great way to start up a conversation with someone too: something about the commute, the weather, anything local (they must live pretty close, after all; they may have even gone to a high school close to your's!).
If you wanted to, you could set up your books on a couch and attempt to do some homework (they are usually noisy places :P) and just wait for someone that looks nice (with or without someone else) and strike up a conversation with them. The worst that can happen is that you end up introducing yourself, they shake hands and introduce themselves to you, and you never talk again. Try and try again! You'll eventually get to know people this way, and you will begin to see some familiar faces around campus.
Now, as for choosing a major: you're doing perfectly fine =] If your grades are high, and you made the honors program, then you have literally nothing to worry about! If you have even a slight interest, like in writing creative short stories, then do yourself a small favor and take a class in it either this (if it's not too late) or next semester. If you find you like it enough to pursue a career in it, I would HIGHLY suggest looking into Journalism. Personally, I hate local news channels and the newspaper for their sensationalism and "doom and gloom"; however, I also recently decided to become a Journalism major. The thing is, I'm planning on going into a field of Journalism that I know I'll LOVE: movies, t.v. shows, games, ect.! I would ideally love to be a movie critic, but I'd easily settle for anything in the entertainment field. I realized that I could take my love for English (I'm HORRIBLE at math too, and really excel in my writing skills over it) and do something that I could look forward to doing every day.
I know that this is a lot to think about, but doing some Journalism/Creative Writing classes will really put you in the right track for where you want to be =] And also, finding people with similar interests or situations to you will make every day a little bit brighter. College is a very rough track, but you can smooth it out with the *cues cheesy 80's music* the power of love; for your newfound friends, and for you future career! :D
Thanks, I've never used Xvid before, so I'll have to experiment around with it. iMovie uses mp4, so I'm guessing sites like Xvid will let you transfer files from AVI to mp4?