Recent Content by motitas

  1. motitas
    Sorry for the double post but... Seriously not even one reply?
    Post by: motitas, Apr 27, 2010 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  2. motitas
    circles underneath the chin look like dirt on my computer screen :D try softening them. I don't agree with adding text as it would look kind of tacky (unless you really make something spectacular with a custom font or something). lower the lighting on the right side of the face, it looks just a tad too bright. lastly that bar on the top looks out of place, try extending the clouds and make a subtle image of the lips within the clouds.
    Post by: motitas, Apr 25, 2010 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  3. motitas
    really like it. I think you should lower the opacity on that yellow layer you added to V2. You should also make the text readable, or just not have it at all as it should be important, not just some distraction from the art. I like the vividness of V3 and thats something we dont observe on V2.

    I can now see what you wanted to do in V2 but It has to look more like glow instead of transparent paper. I dont know what proggy your using so I really cant tell you how :(

    Anyway really nice overall :D
    Post by: motitas, Apr 25, 2010 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  4. motitas
    Ive been trying self portraiting and I dont like how it ends up. I wanna keep the style, but I want some critique so I can *try* and fix it. Thank you all! It is an SVG (vector) by the way :D. oh also Im using inkscape not illustrator (hardcore linux user)

    Thread by: motitas, Apr 25, 2010, 3 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics