Recent Content by monkkeysunn

  1. monkkeysunn
    My kingdom hearts series.

    if I could use those models and all the rooms and everything from the game I will turn all the gameplay including the fights into awesome cutscenes and fill in the blanks beween the cutscenes already given very will not have to have ever beaten the game to know all the same as some one who did.i have a good vision on this.but no experience.I need some fight scenes will rock.but I need some know how with these models and stuff.I can get voice actors to do all the stuff you have to'll be up on youtube where you can steal it.obviously itl be free.but Id just like to do it.anyone who helps me will get official ass dvds like I am going to make my self a few'l be layed out like a show.hopefully.yeah I just want to have. it cant be too tough, right ?
    Post by: monkkeysunn, Dec 9, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics