Recent Content by Monkeyman

  1. Monkeyman
    that girl who posted third was right but the second guy was kinda cool so ill give you a black hole theroy refresher the theroy is that upon reaching the effent horizon to you you would safley glide into the black hole but to an outsider watching you would be grusomily distorted rippeing your body matter to pieces. Now steven hawking says that your information you moleculare matter dissapears but this theroy goes against the main law of physice which is that information hnever disapeers it can be distorted or morphed(for lack of a better word). Many scientist disagree with him even though his equation is seemingly flawless
    S= 4hG

    Other physisist have puzled over this equation for years. Other Physisists belive that instead of disapeering you molecular information is smeared over the event horizon also known as the beginning of the black hole. Black holes are esentialy a ridouklously small dense area of matter. When a supernova giant (a really big star for those of you who are inteligently illiterate) explodes it releases tons of matter, the point where the center of the star waz becomes the center for all this mass to conregate it implodes on itself and creates a subatomic sized particle which is really just a very "massive" structure it then creates a gravidy vortex which is why in sci fi movies its potrayed as a black horizontile vortex. Some belive it leads to another dimmensoin but none are willing to enter one for the sacrifice of science.

    Basicly Stephen Hawking is saying that black holes are little teatrs in existance through which information permanetly disapeers thus if you entered a black hole you can never come out.
    Post by: Monkeyman, Mar 2, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Monkeyman

    what is here

    is here just then or is here a part of soon is here just now but now is gone by the time you think of here as now and then its gone again i think its easier to time travel then most people think just stand in one place and soon now will be here and here will be now and then will be now so here then no and soon will all happen at once causing a catamatomic explotion destroying the entire universe
    Thread by: Monkeyman, Mar 2, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: Discussion
  3. Monkeyman
    go there it is so sweet even though their are no kingdom hearts related sections if you request one though im sure the admin would make one. It's a brand new forum and it only has two members when this thing is big you want to be able to sayu hey i was the third ever member of that forum.
    Thread by: Monkeyman, Mar 2, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Monkeyman
    If you know about it then talk about it im lazy so im only gona talk about it if you need me to.
    Thread by: Monkeyman, Feb 12, 2007, 19 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone