hey guys! well im thinking of cosplaying as aqua from teh secret ending at AX 2008, but i really cant find any goos refernce pictures of her, especially her bottom half. i have found some like renders of her aromor, but they were usually small so u cant see the details. i still have a couple months before i seriously start making the armor, but i wanna get familiar with its design and such. so snay help from you guys will be amazingly appreiciated.
nice choice for the first one. but i must say that there is way to many transition effects and such. it seems lately like most of teh top vids have balanced on the egde of awesome and siezure-inducing.
the second one says it was amdeby mocha ... whihc it obiously was NOT because i am mocha, i i never made that video. credit should be gievnt o teh real person. yups.