....I'm really, very disappointed with this game. I started playing and I was like, wtf is up with this battle system? and I thought it'd get better but I mean... I'm just disappointed. I don't like the battle system at all. The graphics are terrible, but I can live with that. I could've gone the whole game with the graphics. It's the battle system that kills me.
I'm sorry I didn't like the game, Thank you all so, so much for helping though, I'll make sure this is the first place I go whenever I need video game advice =D
Thanks again!
Final Fantasy X should be in the mail within the next week!
xD When I looked it up, at first I was having doubts about it, but I think I'll probably like it. I trust you guys <3
I couldn't find VII D= but when I was searching, I forgot that it was for PS1 lol... so yea. If I can find it on PS1 I will definitely get it. (Because I REALLY wanna get Dirge of Cerberus and it's a spin off VII Dx) Also, I looked at X-2 and I think I actually will get it. It looks kind of interesting.
Thanks everyone for all the help! I got on today and I saw how many replies there were and I was like o__o..... lol
Wow, thanks, guys! You've definitely helped a lot.
I think after almost everyone recommended X and VII that I will try to find those two first. (Maybe I'll get Dirge of Cerberus after my birthday, that one's been on my list for a while.)
Perhaps the local Hastings will have VII cheap! but idk, When I bought KH2 used it was a couple bucks more expensive than when I bought it new. =/ I'll check it out!
Thanks so much again! I'll let you know how it goes! =D
(I'm a lurker. Wich is probably why you've never heard of me before)
I love KH1 &2, but even on proud mode things just seem kind of easy.
Sooooo I was thinking about buying Final Fantasy.. since I've never played it before... But I figured I should ask the fans before I do.
I'm not really worried about not liking the game, but I know there's like, at least ten or eleven of them out, and I don't wanna like, buy FFX and the story be continued from the last nine games and I'm just like "O.o what is this?! I don't know what they're talking about..!!"
So this is my question to you. Do I need to buy the earliest game I can find Or where should I start when I purchase the game? Would that be easier in terms of understanding the game? And if not, which one, in your opinion, is the most action-packed, or your favorite, etc.
I'd just gotten a PS2 for my birthday, and my big sister's friend Austin gave me KH1 as a random gift because he'd beaten it and didn't want it anymore. So I played it once, and when I couldn't get past Alice in Wonderland (got stuck, stupid game, lol) I gave up.
.... two years later, Last September, I got bored and couldn't buy any new games so I was lookin through my stack O video games... low and behold, it was right there.... So I played it and LOVED it. I actually found KH2 at Wal-Mart on my way to my sis's birthday dinner and begged my dad to buy it. But I told myself I wouldn't even open it till I finished the first one....
(I finished it REAL quick, lol)
I've gotta remember to thank Austin the next time I see him for opening the door into a life-changing experience. literally. LOL.
(Kingdom Hearts also got me into anime)
I downloaded a few videos to my computer to put them on my mp4. (Sony Walkman) I tried to upload them using Realplayer, and it said everything went down fine, but when I looked on my Walkman, the videos aren't there. So I tried to do it again like, twice, and this morning I tried it again using Windows Media Player instead. It said that there was an error, the videos weren't the right format, and WMP couldn't convert it.
So what I want to know is, what is the right format for putting videos on my walkman, how can I convert these videos to that format, and if I can't do that, does anyone know where I can get KH videos that are the right format.
I've actually had an account here before (and I know this was supposed to be prohibited in the rules) but I can't seem to make it work again and I don't know how to contact anyone about it so I made a new one. anyway.
Um, I started playing Kingdom Hearts in September of last year. I never actually beat the first game, but I did beat the second game. I never played Chain of Memories, but I've been looking for it forever! I recently let my friend borrow my Kingdom Hearts 2 game, and it got stolen before he could even play it. So yea, someone owes me a new Kingdom Hearts 2.
Outside of Kingdom Hearts.... I'm a majorette, I play trumpet, and I'm in the only military marching band for like, miles.... Um, I like music & acting, and i love to write and draw, you should check out my Deviantart page, but most of my work is just pencil work. Nothing to get extremely excited about.