Recent Content by MMSSSS11

  1. MMSSSS11
    tell me how to enter these codes

    do u need something?

    tell me?

    i want to enmter all of these codes but i dont know how
    Post by: MMSSSS11, Mar 15, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  2. MMSSSS11
    how do you enter these codes

    is there a program

    or something

    i want to do these

    but i have no clue how to do them or what to have

    Post by: MMSSSS11, Mar 15, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  3. MMSSSS11
    lets just say that if your on lv.99 like me, and have all of them except fenrir, the battle will go faster. im playing a new game and trying to re-do all of that. make sure you use umtima for that fight it helped me
    Post by: MMSSSS11, Mar 15, 2008 in forum: FAQs and Guides
  4. MMSSSS11
    another world

    from cars......................................

    radiator springs

    it wouldn't make sense

    they cant be cars!!

    probally not

    here is a list on the worlds i think will be in it:

    olympus colliseum
    beat's castle
    port royal
    agrabah (what boring stuff will they come up with next, they are running out of ideas
    halloween town(yet again)
    the land of the dragons
    twighlight town
    radiant garden
    pride lands
    and that place in the secret ending

    they will proballly use the same worlds
    they did that with the chain of memories
    Post by: MMSSSS11, Mar 14, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX