Recent Content by MMMM

  1. MMMM
    Ugh! Why Edea is a villain?! She wasn't a villain in FFVIII, why she is a villain here??

    To anyone who didn't pay attention, in FFVIII "evil Edea" WAS Ultimecia! She was possesing Edea's body, NOT controlling her mind(like Zemus did with Golbez)! She was using Edea's body as a shell(like a demon that posses someone's body in a horror movie). Ultimecia's soul was inside Edea's body, using it to speak, move, and fight. And during this time Edea's consciousnes was sleeping.

    Edea was never evil in FFVIII, she will not be evil and a villain in Dissidia, and people should pay attention to the story of FFVIII.
    Post by: MMMM, Jul 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home