Yes, your main router needs to stay connected to the modem. The modem takes the connection from the cable company and (typically) converts it to Ethernet, which the router can then connect to and service your devices.
If you have a spare router that you want to use as a wireless repeater (take the wireless signal and extend it to areas of the house that the router may not reach), you can check and see if there is a setting within it to do so. I wouldn't recommend running two separate networks within your house unless you have a specific need for it. One router plus a repeater should serve you fine.
Also $200 is crazy for a repeater. You can get one for much, much less than that.
Stardew Valley is great. I completed the Community Center in my second year and now I'm on the early third. I haven't played much since finishing the Community Center simply because I don't have much more to do besides optimizing my farm, collecting everything, and building relationships. My two favorite things were the Community Center and the mines (I finished both). Mostly I'm just waiting for the new content patch to pick it up again.
I didn't spend much time building relationships but Penny is my absolute favorite.
Since my name has been dragged up and every other thread on this subject has been locked: I never, as I remember (and feel pretty confident in saying), publicly announced or addressed changes within the staff aside from opening up apps. If things ended ugly with a staff member, we usually had the decorum not to drag it out into the forums and make shady posts of half-truths and accusations in an attempt to discredit them. But then, most of the people I demoted were either by their own choice or because they hadn't logged in in ages. I'd never demote an active staff member for privately venting about me... but I don't work here any more and things are run differently now. (-:
Never stick a vacuum in a computer, unless you want to fry your components. Pick up a can of compressed air and blow out the dust. You'll have to remove the side window but you don't have to uninstall any hardware unless the dust buildup is really bad.
Oh yeah I must have misread that. Did the doctors tell you why? The only complications I have read about for it are if the doctor places it incorrectly and then problems people have with the hormones (if it is a hormonal IUD). There are many different types out there that may be worth a shot, but if there was some kind of medical reason you couldn't have it then obv that's more important. I read it as your doctor rejected you for one.