....I missed a lot.. Chie dusted off her shirt then stood up "What tiz up with him?" She cocked her head
(Kell is crazy :O) Chie looked back too see Ven on the ground and Kell standing above her, she summoned her star and raced off, tackled him then pinned him down
Chie fell down, she stared at Kell with a scowl then got back up and kept walking
Chie giggled then skipped down the hall
0.0 I cant dance >.> People say my legs will snap T^T
It doesnt make me laugh, it make me smile :P The people look so cute xD
Chie shrugged, "I dont know. I guess im not very social? Well at least I met you." she said then smiled
Kid's should get hello kitty ^.^
D: I dont like barbie's! I once ripped one's stomach apart....No lie :P Also I agree with myoblivion. I dont think Hannah montana is that great. I think she uses ake tanner...
Chie nodded, "I see. So choo have a lot of friends? Thats nice" she grinned, "I dont really have any, Im usually alone."
Chie nodded "I see. So who are the other people down there?"
Chie shrugged "I cant remember. Not very long ago...I think.." She turned to him "When did choo get here?"
I personaly dont like Hannah montana. Me and my friend make fun of her songs ^.^
Chie giggled "Kence. Intersting name. I like it." She winked at him then went down the hall
Chie grinned "Chie! But choo can call me Chi!" She laughed at the no differences