I realize this is a dead thread, but I I'd like to put in my one and a half cents.
First off, the Wager presents a false dichotomy. It only provides two options, in the form of a coin toss (heads being "God is," tails being "God is not"), when in fact, there are many possibilities, not just with the different religions, but within Christianity itself. Many Christian sects reject the idea of "if you're a good person, but don't believe in God, you're going to Hell." Some reject the concept of Hell outright. Their interpretations may be correct. In fact, the true nature of God (if he exists) could have been lost in translation and twisting of religion so much that our oldest manuscripts of the Bible, Torah, Quran don't even have the truth.
So, it's not a coin toss, but a roll of the die. And you can't even know how many sides it has.
Also, let's say that the "believe in God AND do good deeds, or you'll burn" interpretation is true. There's going to be some overcrowding in Hell, in that case.
Call me petty, but I wouldn't think of worshiping a being that destroys its creations for merely questioning its existence, especially when it does not make its existence readily known. Even when I was a Christian (I'm agnostic now), this idea of God left me depressed and angry. If you can prove to me that, not only does God exist, but this interpretation of Him is true, I would choose not to worship Him. If he wanted us to like that, he wouldn't put that at south on our (or at least MY) moral compasses.
Don't get me wrong. Jesus was on to something with all the love and peace stuff. I just don't think he was a God (or not a vengeful one).
I seriously dislike Richard Dawkins and other militant atheist who seem to enjoy bashing on the relgious. I cannot watch the video at the moment, but it's easy to see that he put his foot in his mouth again. I can never condone insulting of other people based on relgion (unless they're ***holes about it. See: Fred Phelps, Pat Robertson)
Also, I know this isn't a debate on it, but... Expelled? An amazing documentary? Surely, thou jest. I was about to make another statement, but I realized it'd make the above statement moot.
I know how that feels. Both of them (eye thing and soccer ball to the face), since I have lazy eye (born with it, so I can't really tell the difference).