Alright then could someone test thees ARMAX codes out
The hardest game that I played and Beat would have to be Ninja Gaidan BLACK Max difficulty,Contra Hard Corps (Geneses) Max difficulty on RoboCop vs Terminator(Geneses)lol last but not lest Zelda II(NES)
that maid me come up with an idea
in all ps2 game theres command system that handles every that u do
Example: from tilting you analog stick forward to move sora to triggering a conversaion with x
useshiwally when use the valor for riku code thats all u can do
u cant switch Donald or Goofy for riku, cant anything
Ok now with idea (BUT ITS TUF ONE)
what if you were abal to fool the system like putting on a co-stoum .
Say perinstens you whant to put riku and cloud(ITs Possible don't ask how but it possible);) in your team
somehow find donald and goofys command systems. they have that SPECIAL COMMAND that alows them go anwere without freezing RIGHHHHHT :D