1. No voting for self.
2. Only those with Satisfactory Art/Graphic knowledge may cast a vote
3.Give proper reasons for each tag vote.
4. All contestants must submit a vote or be disqualified (just to add that extra spark to the competition ;)
my votes:
1. thefallen: Amazing colors, Depth is lacking, as is flow.. But really, Who needs flow and depth when you have an artistic masterpiece? You got my number one spot dude.
2. MistyMighty: Nice use of negative space, Though the tag lacks the vibrancy of Thefallens, It really catches my eye and deserves my Number 2 spot.
3. Sharp: I really don't dig this tag, but it takes thirg place in my vote cause i dont like Cin's and I can't vote for myself. Flow is messed up, everything is generic and cliche about it.
haha oh wow. No one except C4E posted their vote properly.
the rules say VOTE YOUR TOP 3. And i suggest that all members give a proper reason for their votes, And that in future SotW's that only those that actually do GFX make a vote, to prevent silly biased stuffs.
I'll vote later.
It's completely monotone, No color variations at all.
Depth is missing
Light source is missing
Looks like a 5 minute job to me.
When brushing, remember to change the color of the brush you're using xD
I also suggest using gradient maps to color your stuff, and make signatures more vibrant and lively.
Color is amazing when worked with properly. Which you diddnt do this time.
Try again man.
I have a load of graphic resources that i have for you guys, if you want it. lemme know :)
I also have a tutorial on how to give "good Critique" Which isnt as harsh as the last one i wrote last year. It's more of an encouraging guide on how to give proper criticism and comments.
{moderators, if you wanna see the critique guide before i post it, tell me}