I'll see if I can find some ^_^ might take a little bit though Here is everything i have done so far btw sorry about how long it takes to load, if its a problem i'll change them to links.
I recommend RE:COM if you can, literally feels like the sequel to KHI as opposed to the GBA GAME. I like RE:COM much more then KHI, and I think a bit more then 2 but its close.
Here ya go cool kids Here I have some KH2 animations but there are like 900 files so its a bit hard to navigate through them. I found axel though. Also I have edited some KH models...well actually only Sora. Only know how to export KHI models... Here is an animation
I can't wait to play this on the go I love KH and KH2 and have beaten them atleast 4 times each WHOO!!