Recent Content by Midnight Rose

  1. Midnight Rose
    I too would like to join

    Name: Exner
    Age: 17
    Keyblade: Road to twilight
    Apperance: muscular, wears a black tank top, and blue jeans, has a tatoo of the heartless insignia on his right arm, and a tatoo of the nobody insignia on his left arm. He has long icy blue hair, and crimson eyes
    Post by: Midnight Rose, Aug 30, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Midnight Rose
    well, I'm certainly not going to try and stop anyone from online dating, as it seems to work well enough for some of you, I just feel its pointless, and that would be my final statement, and with it I'll be off from this topic

    ~Midnight rose
    Post by: Midnight Rose, Aug 30, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  3. Midnight Rose
    It's a fantasy novel, not a public protest against religion... seriously, there is no reason to fight about this kind of thing. It's like the da vinci code, it says clearly that it is a fiction, so why do people make such a big deal about it?
    Post by: Midnight Rose, Aug 29, 2007 in forum: Debate Corner
  4. Midnight Rose

    Why not? Scientists predict all sorts of things years in advance...
    Post by: Midnight Rose, Aug 29, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  5. Midnight Rose
    You're both correct, it was predicted by Aztecs, and Mayans, and about that meteor...well, do some research on that too, cause you're actually fairly on the mark, I wasn't speaking religiously at all, I heard a meteor was gonna hit earth in 2012, I figure the mayans could have a fairly good chance of being correct...
    Post by: Midnight Rose, Aug 27, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  6. Midnight Rose

    I've always believed december 21st 2012 will be the final day...why you may ask? do some research on the date, I'm sure it will come up somewhere

    other than that though, saying thats not the date, I believe we will be able to get far far away by that time
    Post by: Midnight Rose, Aug 27, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  7. Midnight Rose
    I want Zexion if you don't mind
    Post by: Midnight Rose, Aug 24, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Midnight Rose


    you do realize that some, if not most of that movie is unproven conspiracy right? the only part with any merit to it was the religion part...
    Post by: Midnight Rose, Aug 24, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  9. Midnight Rose



    Name: Maximillion
    Age: Early 20s
    Weapon: Mithril cry, an unbreakable shortsword of great speed.
    Personality: Rather intelligent and witty, but lacks social skill
    Home: A runaway from Air country
    Post by: Midnight Rose, Aug 23, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Midnight Rose


    hehehe, you're all taking this a bit too seriously methinks. most of these things I already knew, the things I didn't know, didn't surprise me. I really suggest you all not take it too much to heart, I'm not going to change myself over this, its just not that important.

    it reminds me of a philisophical saying... people will always choose a sad truth over a happy lie... why this is, I'm not sure, I suppose most people don't want to live in a lie, no matter how happy it makes them. Me, I like my life as it is, thats that, whether it be truth, lie, or something different entirely, I'm sticking to it
    Post by: Midnight Rose, Aug 23, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  11. Midnight Rose
    tsk tsk, the american people once again dissapoint me. It is rather sad that just because someone celebrates their own traditions they are instantly spurned by society to be something else entirely...
    Post by: Midnight Rose, Aug 23, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  12. Midnight Rose
    I can say that about my real life girl friend, so I make 1! but maybe thats just me, how should I know... at least I know my girlfriend would do the same.

    At least you two talk on the phone, that does make it a bit better that you've heard their voice, and thusly know them a bit more than just online, even over the phone 'I love you' sounds a thousand times better from someones voice then on a box. at this point we go into subdivisions of online dating

    Purely online - this I feel is pointless, however if you so wish, go nuts
    online/ phone - better, at least you can get some of the feeling missed through touch by the tones of their voice, cause you can usually tell when someone is serious through their voice, I always felt good when my GF said 'I love you' on the phone...however I felt better when she looked me right in the eye and said it...but maybe thats just me
    Online/ real life - Awsome, I have no argument against these people, you see each other in real life, you talk online, theres nothing wrong there
    Purely real life - it can be dangerous, but when you find someone truly special to you I think its the best
    Real life / online - someone you met in real life who moved away? This happened to me once actually, I tried to keep it, but it just didn't feel the same to be perfectly honest...
    Post by: Midnight Rose, Aug 23, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  13. Midnight Rose
    That's okay, I love crazy people
    Post by: Midnight Rose, Aug 23, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  14. Midnight Rose
    Most of the time I only like one or at the most two songs from a band, so I'll just download those, every now and then I find a whole album I like, in that case I buy the album...

    for those who have 40,000 songs, all illegally downloaded, thats wrong, but less than a 100? I doubt the person who made the song will miss that extra dollar or two...

    selling the music you downloaded? absolutely wrong, besides, who buys that stuff now? the person might as well just download it themselves XD
    Post by: Midnight Rose, Aug 22, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  15. Midnight Rose
    The only thing that I like about stereotyping is that I can confuse the hell out of the people who want so badly to stereotype me cause I don't fit into any one group...

    stereotypes exist, otherwise there would be no stereotypical anything, however stereotyping can be a rather mean thing to do, some people are proud of their stererotypes, those people happen to be few in number...
    Post by: Midnight Rose, Aug 22, 2007 in forum: Discussion