Recent Content by MiCCAS

  1. MiCCAS
    G'day all,

    I am the website developer at and thought I would just clear up any confusion found in this post.

    The MSNVirusRemoval project is maintained by two developers, myself and Andrew (software developer). We develop and maintain this project as volunteers, and expect no income from this website. We share the same values as you in regards to hating msn viruses; always have, and always will.

    We do not purposely develop viruses, and do not ask specifically for your account details - in fact, we discourage users from sending those details to us. During the virus check, our software suggests you change your Windows Live ID password - however, this is done by directing you to the Microsoft official website and NO details are seen by us.

    If you have any further questions, feel free to submit a helpdesk request at - we'd be more than happy to answer any of your questions.

    Post by: MiCCAS, May 1, 2009 in forum: Technology