Recent Content by MetroidMewtwo

  1. MetroidMewtwo
    Slight problem I'm having with the code. Note that the file I'm playing in was saved at Destiny Islands on the first day when you build the raft(though when I made that save so long ago, I had already collected all the items), on Expert. If it also possibly helps any, I had apparently used some codes on this save(the basic already-there codes for Defense and AP Ups, and some Accessories; I can't remember any other codes I might've used since I made this save so long ago).

    The code worked PERFECTLY inside the Shack, the cave and the first area(I even fought Riku while flying, which was awesome)... But only while I was on the first day; When I continued the plot and had to collect the food items, it only continued to work inside the Shack and the cave. I don't know what was receiving the ability to fly in the first area, but that damn Riku was getting the sparkles in the second area.

    When I was back in DI after the Heartless attacked, the code STILL didn't work, because Riku was STILL usurping it from me. The code hasn't made Sora ever since, not after Riku left, not when I fought the first boss, and not now while I'm in Traverse Town['s First District].

    I just thought I'd share my experience so far with it in case that'll help. I'll post again/edit this post if I find another area where the code will work proper.

    EDIT: The code somehow worked on Donald while I was in the second District, and when I entered the Dalmatian house it worked on Pongo. When I went to the third district it finally worked on me again, and then when I went back to second district it worked on... The door to first district... This code/game has a royally screwed up sense of priority...

    EDIT 2: When I went back to first district after being to third, the code worked on me again. It still works on Cid in his shop, but still worked on me in first district when I came out to fight Squall. Now that I'm finally fighting a boss-type enemy while flying, it's probably about as fun as I imagined.
    Post by: MetroidMewtwo, Feb 12, 2010 in forum: New Releases
  2. MetroidMewtwo
    Thank you.
    Post by: MetroidMewtwo, Jul 9, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  3. MetroidMewtwo
    You know, I actually forgot that Reverse and Rebirth are Homophones in Japanese, despite what knowledge I have of how the language works. You learn something new everyday, right?

    Also, yes, Ribasu is how they'd be pronounced. I'd probably bring in the... What is it, Katakana? Used to spell it, but I don't know if this Forum supports Japanese characters.
    Post by: MetroidMewtwo, Jul 9, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  4. MetroidMewtwo
    Well, then, does anybody at least have a Sprite Sheet of the Pirate Heartless? I've been looking for them, but never found any.
    Post by: MetroidMewtwo, Jul 9, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  5. MetroidMewtwo
    I apologize if someone asked this before, but as the topic title says, I was wondering if there's some method of making certain Heartless appear more frequently. In particular...

    Basically, I'm up to floor 9(Neverland) of my very first playthrough, and I've decided to double back to Agrabah for a moment after reading how nifty the Bandit's Enemy Card sounds. However, the Bandits refuse to show up.

    I've only encountered ONE. SINGLE. FIGHT. Where Bandits showed up at all, so far. Every other fight was either a crapload of Shadows and a Fat Bandit, two Fat Bandits and one more Fat Bandit, or a crapload of flying Spellcasting Heartless and a Fat Bandit or two. How the crap do I make the Bandits show up with more frequency?!

    If anybody can help me with this, TiA.

    NOTE: And also, on a slightly different note, does anybody happen to know where I can find a Sprite Sheet of the Pirate Heartless(the regular, Sword-swinging variety)? I'm just wondering because it's one of those things I really want but haven't found(up there with a working Fly Anywhere code for KH1), because the Regular Pirate Heartless are awesome.
    Thread by: MetroidMewtwo, Jul 6, 2009, 7 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  6. MetroidMewtwo
    *groans*One thing after the freaking other...

    It took me until just now to do so, but I finally tried the No Experience code, with the 0 I added in changed to an 8. It's worked perfectly(I'm up to Yen Sid's Tower and just obtained Valor Form, but I'm still level 1), but there's yet another problem now.

    For some reason, I was unable to change Keyblades after the first Event-Battle on the Sixth Day(the one before Axel gets Time-Stopped). It irked me, but I tried ignoring it, thinking it'll go away soon.

    When I got to finally controlling Sora, I STILL couldn't change Keyblades. Still ignored it, hoping it's some random problem that'll fix itself when I finally get his KH2 outfit/Valor Form...

    And now the problem's clearly getting frustrating; Only now instead of being unable to change Keyblades, I find the problem is actually that, for some damned reason, I can't de-equip the Kingdom Key. When I FINALLY got Valor Form, I attempted changing Keyblades out, and was able to change out the first one. However, that was because both Keyblade slots had the Kingdom Key; I couldn't change Valor Form's Keyblade at all unless I re-equipped the KK for normal form.

    The problem must be some kind of after-effect of the codes I used, because the problem persisted even after I had reset the game so no codes were on. I would've restarted with codes and all, but I wanted to hurry to where Sora got his KH2 outfit in case that was the solution.

    Besides, for some ******ed reason the game seems to treat KH1-Outfit Sora as a completely different character from his normal form/KH2-outfit, like Roxas or one of Sora's drive forms(barring Valor, at least); I had reset because Sora T-stanced when I tried Dashing(Infinite Jump was on).

    Could the problem be because I switched Roxas' weapon for a different Keyblade when he was supposed to have the Struggle Bat? If anyone can help me with this problem, TiA.
    Post by: MetroidMewtwo, Jul 6, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  7. MetroidMewtwo
    ... I'd do a facepalm to signify how stupid I was, but then again I have no real hacking experience, so...

    I'll just call it a beginner's mistake and proceed to deny that mistake's existence, like so many Sonic fans deny the existence of Sonic '06.

    Post by: MetroidMewtwo, Jul 1, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  8. MetroidMewtwo
    Would this happen to be what I'm looking for?

    Skill Mod 1: No Experience
    1033FF14 00000194


    I mostly ask because at where you linked me to with with all the item/ability digits, the digits for No Experience was only three numbers when it should've been four, so I tried adding another 0. I managed to run it through MAXConvert for an ARMAX format code okay, but...

    EDIT: And it didn't work. When I jumped back into the game with it on and killed some Dusks for testing, it didn't work and I went to level 2(when I want to stay at level 1). Are you sure this code can work for me? Because to be honest, I'm kind of thinking that you think I'm asking for FM+ codes. No offense, of course, but that kind of scenario isn't exactly impossible...

    EDIT2: Wait, here we go. I had to turn off the "Have All Abilities" code off first, and now it looks like Experience Boost has been replaced with No Experience. Though for some reason, Aerial Recovery's disappeared from the list...

    EDIT3: Argh, why won't it just work?! I clearly equipped No Experience, yet I leveled up anyway! I tried looking at it in the Pause Menu, and... It de-equips itself. No matter how many times I equip it, the damned ability keeps de-equiping itself.

    Enough of this! I'm sorry for complaining so much, but I don't want a code that gives me a No Experience ability! I want a code that shuts down all EXP gain for all time regardless of what I do!
    Post by: MetroidMewtwo, Jul 1, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  9. MetroidMewtwo
    ... Where exactly is this? I don't see it anywhere on the first page, not under Ability Mods(I only see Aerial Overkill, that multiple Finishing Plus code, and then codes to boost Sora's speed or give him Infinite Jumps[though what it really does is give him Super-charged versions of his Growth abilities from the second-to-last final boss battle]), not even anywhere else in that first post(the only EXP-related code I found was Level Up Quicker, which is the completely exact opposite of what I'm looking for).
    Post by: MetroidMewtwo, Jun 30, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  10. MetroidMewtwo
    I don't want enemies I'm incapable of killing at all! I want a code that makes them stronger than they would be at the End-Game, but still killable!

    And also a code that stops EXP Gain like that No EXP Ability from FM+.
    Post by: MetroidMewtwo, Jun 30, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  11. MetroidMewtwo
    I'm still kind of waiting to hear if anyone's found an ARMAX Code to replace at least Sora's normal model/appearance with his Space Paranoids model/appearance(if not also replace his Halloween Town or Timeless River forms with it along with his normal form).

    Also, I've been trying to make use of the Battle LVL God code since I felt like having a challenge, but I've run into at least two problems;

    1) The minor one; The EXP Gain seems to completely halt for EVERYTHING. It's understandable if my Drive Forms can't level, but no one in my party can, either. I've accepted this problem, though, and decided to try treating it like Critical Mode in FM+(I never played FM+, though, but I might as well consider this good practice).

    2) The major one; For some reason, the enemies get Infinite HP in certain areas. When I tried using this my first time, it never happened in the Land of Dragons(the first world I went to, of course), but in Hollow Bastion(and in my recent playthrough, the Station-area in the prologue), the enemies refuse to die no matter how much punishment they receive.

    This got ridiculous when I equipped Roxas with the Fenrir, had Have All Abilities on(which, for some reason, made him automatically have multiple abilities equipped, including Finishing Plus), and yet the first Dusk I encountered in the Station-area(post-save point) absolutely REFUSED to die even after hitting it 20+ times, a few of them being finishers(a lot more of them would've been finishers, but that sucker depleted damn near all my health in one hit so I didn't want to take any chances of it managing a hit in on me due to getting knocked back).

    And now, I've come upon a game-stopping roadblock already thanks to this load; I can't continue onwards, not only because the Twilight Thorn hits so damn hard but also because it must have Infinite HP if the enemies before it do, too. And yet I refuse to continue with the code off because I'd have to have it off AT LEAST until getting to the LoD; And I'm thinking it's impossible to legitimately get to that point without gaining a single level.

    What do I have to do to get rid of this Infinite HP glitch without lowering the difficulty? TiA to anyone who can help me with this.
    Post by: MetroidMewtwo, Jun 30, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  12. MetroidMewtwo
    I doubt it can be done by this point(maybe in the foreseeable future, though), but...

    I was wondering if anyone found a working code for replacing Sora's normal model with his Space Paranoids outfit, and then the Space Paranoids model-equivalent to the "Wisdom=Anti-Form" and that "Final Darkness Form" codes. Or rather(the reason I doubt these codes were found by this point), a working code to achieve at least the first one, that can be converted to ARMAX.

    Of course, I wouldn't be requesting this if the Model Modifier codes on the first page were convertible, or I had a Codebreaker. But since it said they aren't convertible and I only have ARMAX...
    Post by: MetroidMewtwo, Jun 27, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  13. MetroidMewtwo
    I was curious; In the last version of this thread, someone posted a Custom Form that involved an "Arm Mod" that allowed it to use Goofy's shields. Considering how the game continually freezes on me whenever I try swapping ANY model of Sora's Keyblades with ANYTHING other than another Keyblade model(case in point is the obvious attempt at the Lunatic/Saix's Claymore, as well as swapping Detection Saber with the Nobody Lance)...

    I was wondering if this Arm Mod could make Sora wield Donald's staves so I could give him the Nobody Lance. However, never mind my request if the code can't work in/convert to ARMAX format, because ARMAX is all I've got(I don't have the money to afford a Codebreaker. And considering I heard it might not even work on a Slim PS2, as well as the fact that any money I get I'd prefer to save up for a PS3 and Disgaea 3...).
    Post by: MetroidMewtwo, Jun 26, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  14. MetroidMewtwo
    Great, that Final Darkness Form works perfectly, even if I enter Anti-Form from Wisdom!
    Post by: MetroidMewtwo, Jun 22, 2009 in forum: Code Vault