Recent Content by Metatron

  1. Metatron
    Of course I don't think you took it from me:). It was my first form, so I just
    assumed it had been done before. (I'm new.) But yeah, off the top of my head if you want to get around that annoying ground thrust, or that other annoying (but cool) flip thing. All you need is a moveset that uses the square button to attack. (Like valor, or Dw roxas, maybe.) Then you can start a ground combo with square and continue it with circle. If you've done that then there should be no problem.
    Post by: Metatron, Sep 15, 2009 in forum: Video Showcase
  2. Metatron
    Posted almost the exact same thing in the code vault a while ago(Though, never posted the code)... Only difference is I was able to use ground combos...(I don't know if you can, or even want to, I read something up there that you couldn't.) Anyway, if you want I can dig up whatever I put in the code to make him do ground combos. (Pc is waaay to cluttered right now...)
    Post by: Metatron, Sep 14, 2009 in forum: Video Showcase
  3. Metatron
    Well it's just how I want it to be now, all I was trying to do was to add a dual-wielding moveset because if I used any single wielding form his combo ground combo wouldn't keep going. I then noticed with a dual wielding form his combo WOULD keep going, but he'd have another blade I didn't want there. Basically, all I really wanted to do at that point was dump the other keyblade. Messed around with a couple of digits and the other keyblade was gone. So he can either use valor, master, or final with only one blade now.

    So all in all, it's actually complete.
    Post by: Metatron, Sep 8, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  4. Metatron
    That's something I came up with a while back, basically it's just master form w/ valor moveset. Backwards wep in his right hand, and nothing in the left. Final form is the model. Not that complicated. The digits to take away the keyblade was 23 i think. And that's in combination with the shield mod itself.(Otherwise just a freeze.) But that there is my emulator shot, tried it on ps2, didn't work. (Maybe it needs to be jokered? I don't know.)
    Post by: Metatron, Sep 8, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  5. Metatron
    Actually I found a way to make him use valor's moveset. (2 keyblades.) The second keyblade is...There but not there. He's using valor's moveset, but the second keyblade is an invisible characer model im guessing...(Just kept trying digits till no second weapon showed up, one digit finally worked.) So I was able to figure it out thanks.
    Post by: Metatron, Sep 8, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  6. Metatron
  7. Metatron
    Hey guys, so I was messing around with some codes until I got sora
    to wield his keyblade backwards...That's all well and good, but I don't really like his moveset(the master one.)

    Now what I want to ask is...Is it possible to change the moveset of the master form? If so can someone give me the code?(Couldn't find it.) Also, I apoligize if the image is too big. (Don't quite know how to use spoilers...)


    Thanks in advance.

    Antiweapon: There you go, spoiler tags. :)
    Post by: Metatron, Sep 6, 2009 in forum: Code Vault