We ALL love Riku...... of course he's one of the hottest *hides her Demyx plushie behind her back* tee hee hee. I wish I had a still shot of him.... I'll have to ask Person to do that for me.
Hiya! I know I made like one post before this, I just couldn't help posting. ^_^ The name is Messy Girl..... got it memorized? lol.... <<sorry, had to throw that in there>> I'm 19 and I've only gotten into Kingdom Hearts recently. Person got me started because the first time I played, I didn't want to stop.... Played for 4 hours the first day. Highly addictive.... I started KH about a month ago and I've already beaten KH I and II. I'm about to get CoM so I'm sure that won't take too long with my trusty KH fanatic at my side. *huggles Person* tee hee hee. Well, not much else to say, sorry if I made you people bored. Ja ne!!!!
Who thinks Riku looks hotter with the blindfold? I do!!!! :D I first saw him when Person showed me the clip at Memory Skyscraper and ever since he just doesn't look right with out it!!!!