Recent Content by memberxiiiroxas

  1. memberxiiiroxas
    Post by: memberxiiiroxas, Aug 13, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. memberxiiiroxas
    i'm still confused on a few topics on BBS, and i know almost every single person who reads this is going to tell me that its ven in the secret video who gets frozen and not roxas because it takes place 10 years before kingdom hearts 1, BUT if you watch the american version you will see that one of the nights picks up A WAY TO DAWN KEYBLADE which was not created until AFTER riku acpeted darkness and light into his heart in khreverse/rebirth, and if you look at ven or roxas's hair you'll see its identicle to roxas's, if what i've heard is true then if its ven and it takes place 10 years before kh1 ven meats sora when he was 5, but if he did and looks exactly like roxas why didn't sora notice it when he met roxas in kh2? the whole secret video doesn't make any sense to me and if you know something i dont please tell me
    Post by: memberxiiiroxas, Aug 13, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates