That is odd. A big thing on the gamefaqs message boards was that only official Shaymins would make the girl give you the flower. A few people had tried before and said it didn't work.
Only official Sahymin work(movie, event, etc.) IIRC. I think it has to do with the location it was caught.
Also tested Toys R Us Shaymin code and it works. You have to hold L+R to get the guy in green to appear in the PokeMart. Will give you a bad egg if you screwed up the code in any way. The bad egg will still be holding the item it would have came with.
Hello. Could anyone make a code that unlocks Sora in mission mode or that makes Soul of Sora appear in the shop. It would be greatly appreciated. I really don't feel like doing the requirements for it for a third time.
I tried using Marluxia's weapon with Xaldin, Larxene, and Axel in mission mode and the only one that didn't crash the game was Axel. Does this happen for anyone else? Is there a way around it or am I just going to have to mess around a lot to see what works and what doesn't?
I am new here and would like to introduce myself. Hello, I am MeltyMinion. I am known as AkatsukiMinion on Youtube and Gamefaqs. I would also like to thank everyone for their hard work on these codes. I had recently lost my data and these codes helped me get back up to where I was. Thank you.
What would I put in for the last two digits? Like if I wanted Axel using Marluxia's scythes.