Recent Content by mazekitten_khearts2

  1. mazekitten_khearts2
    The hell??!!

    Okay, what? What were we thinking, frying noodles for our sickly puppy? It died, for God's sake! Then you thought peanut butter would revive it! There are no "Potions" In the real world! And I'm not Paris Hilton, so get off of AOL instant messenger!:D
    Post by: mazekitten_khearts2, May 24, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. mazekitten_khearts2, you guys? How does this work? Is this for a Gameshark or something?? Gee, these sound really great, but how the hell do you use them?
    Post by: mazekitten_khearts2, May 24, 2007 in forum: Code Vault