Recent Content by MayorMcCheese

  1. MayorMcCheese
    I looked over the rules, and I think that posting KB might violate a few. Some of the characters display racism, and there is some heavily-implied sexuality, and there might be some rape directly mentioned. It doesn't graphically describe any sex acts, but it's definitely mature content. I would appreciate the expertise of a reg or admin on this subject.
    Post by: MayorMcCheese, Oct 12, 2006 in forum: Archives
  2. MayorMcCheese
    I come bearing balls. Call me Mayor, Cheese, or YOU LITTLE ****ER!
    Thread by: MayorMcCheese, Oct 12, 2006, 11 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  3. MayorMcCheese
    I have a KH parody script-style fic that has been well-received elsewhere. Perhaps I should post it here. The title is Kingdom Balls.
    Post by: MayorMcCheese, Oct 12, 2006 in forum: Archives