Recent Content by May Kitsune

  1. May Kitsune
  2. May Kitsune
  3. May Kitsune
    Okay.... I have a bunch of confessions.... x.x'

    Warning, If you are prone to depression from stories I don't recommend reading this... even Chipster the Cat got pretty emotional~ also, it's long so it's okay to be all like tl;dr although this was a really good vent ^^ and thanks to you who actually take your time and read it. :3

    - For one, I am a very loving person but I always get stepped on and used by everyone that I know. I'm very cautious of people and don't exactly open myself up to anyone easily... but when I do quickly after a year or two maybe even more like some of my old supposed "best friends" have stabbed me in the back. Such as, one of my friends that with my ex boyfriend gung up on my by coming to my house and told my dad that I was going out with my current boyfriend. She and him both came to my house in his car laughing and stuff and she claims she was there for "support" for both of us thankfully my other friend that was at her house gave me the information that she went with him because he was buying her a pack of cigarettes.

    - Another thing with my ex, I was practically raped many times because I just couldn't say no no matter how much it would hurt. I was a good little girl that wanted to wait until marriage. He ruined my mind and my body and he claims it was all mutual feelings.

    -I cheated on my ex with my current boyfriend about a year ago. I felt really bad about it but he was so bad and I couldn't handle the mental stress that man put me through. My current boyfriend came into my life and I intend to keep for the rest of it. Because of him I was able to gain the strength of leaving my ex and getting useless people out of my life.

    -I was picked on in middle school to **** all because I liked anime. I was kicked thrown onto the ground punched and bullied. My grandpa had passed around that time aswell and they would tell me that they were happy that my grandfather passed.

    -I had a dog named spot I had him for 15 almost 16 years of my life he died 2 weeks before my birthday. He was my only friend. He was all I really had. I cried for literally 2 weeks non-stop... I couldn't sleep I couldn't do anything. I couldn't believe that he was out of my life. I couldn't even manage to drag myself to his grave. I couldn't accept the fact. My ex argued with me telling me to stop crying that "it" was "just a dog"

    -I have terrible self-esteem because of being picked on and the fact that I was called a "guy" since I was in middle school. my boyfriend and a bunch of others claim i'm cute but honestly I don't believe them one bit. I don't think i'm very attractive at all...

    -My grandpa had cancer and that was the cause of his death. I was in 6th grade. I had the chance to see him in intensive care because they were going to pull the plug the next day but I was clueless. I ended up waking up the next day at exactly 11:11 to the sound of crying and yelling in sorrow. My mother woke me up saying that my grandpa had passed and that we were going to go see his body at the place since he didn't want a viewing or a funeral. He wanted to be incinerated and thrown into the ocean. The worst part about his death was seeing my grandmother. She kept saying how cold he was freezing. The oncoming year was possibly the worst year of my life. I moved into my grandmothers house and couldn't help but hope he would somehow be there the next day when I woke up but that day never came. It's the worst feeling that you can ever have in your life. It was the same with my dog aswell especially since every day after I came home from school my dog would be either running around waiting me to open the gate or would be sitting on the steps waiting for me with his front legs crossed and when I walked up to him he would quickly stand up and wag his tail and get insanely happy. I kept waiting; I still am.

    -As a kid I had a hole in my heart (literally) I had a heart murmur and got the operation in 1st grade going onto 2nd grade. My neighbors had a dog named Misty. They had gotten rid of her but I BEGGED my parents to take her back I wanted her so badly. She was the nicest dog ever when you would tell her "da me una sonrisa" which means "give me a smile" in spanish and she would show her teeth and wag her tail insanely. In 8th grade, she grew a tumor in her mouth and wasn't able to eat. The inside of her mouth was falling out in chunks it was horrible. We had to put her down. In a mere 2 weeks she was gone. Well, not even 2 weeks, a week and a half is more like it.

    -I was a problem child aswell x.x' in second grade the tiny kid that I am/was picked up a desk and threw it at my teacher and on the way to the principals office I bit the security guard that came to pick me up on the way there while kicking and screaming lol.

    -I used to get hit as a kid for the simplest things such as not eating my food or not finishing my homework or studying.

    - My mother kicked me out of the house exactly one year ago aswell as said that I was a terrible child and that i'm useless. Just this last friday, I went to her house to make a cosplay trying to be a good kid and hang out with my mother that claims she loves and misses me, I wanted to introduce her to my new boyfriend so I did. All she did while we were there was insult me and be rude to me. I had gone outside to see my dogs puppys and I am apparently allergc to them and I broke out in small hives so I asked for rubbing alcohol to ease the allergy and all she did was get it and say "You know this WAS your house for most of your life you SHOULD remember where it is." I had only asked her because for one, She had mixed up the house from how it used to be but I stayed quiet to not start an argument. (there's a lot more about my mom but i'm not going to talk about her it heats me up way too much)

    Warning I'm a bit insane down there ._.'
    -I was in a depressive state from 6th grade until literally 4 months ago and actually used to contemplate on how I would kill myself in detail and when and infront of who I wanted to do it infront of. It differed from slit wrist to throat to a stab to the chest to re-open the hole that I thought was never meant to close.

    Post by: May Kitsune, Apr 11, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  4. May Kitsune
  5. May Kitsune
    K thanks I'm still new to the site so sorry for the trouble! >.<' also it's fine I don't have one either if not I wouldn't ask the question ;P lol
    Post by: May Kitsune, Nov 18, 2011 in forum: Technology
  6. May Kitsune
    I had no IDEA where to put this .__.'' so feel free to move it if it's in the wrong place.

    I don't personally have it but my soccer coach wants to know if there is a way to group contacts together to send one message to everyone instead of one by one? Please help me as soon as I can so that it's easier for my coach to send us all a message at once. He used to have it on his black berry and he wants to know if he can do it on the iPhone 4s and I said i'd try to find out. Please help my KH-Vids!
    Thread by: May Kitsune, Nov 18, 2011, 3 replies, in forum: Technology
  7. May Kitsune
    I just want to see peoples thoughts on the anime itself.

    In my opinion it is one of my top favorite anime close to Full metal alchemist. I lvoe the story of it at the moment I am re-watching it because it is just that good (plus i'm waiting for more episodes >.<') from the first episode to the lst the anime has made me almost cry several times. Even while re-watching the first episodes still touch me and make me want to cry that's how I think all shows should be they should be able to touch your emotions in a way. Most things now-a-days don't really focus on that (that's why I turn to anime! :D lol).

    I also love the voices in japanese for the characters for example Rin has a squeeky childish kind of voice like he hasn't gone through puberty which adds onto the fact that he hasn't grown up yet while his younger brother Yukio has a softer more "adult" voice feel. Aswell as the old man Shiro's voice gives off an adult assuring kind of voice.

    As for the Music, the openigns and endings give a jazzy, rockish, techno feel to them which to me is a good combination. The music throughout episode though is amazing it adds on to the sadness of the anime. It's all a great combination all together.

    Just tell me your thoughts on it :)
    Post by: May Kitsune, Nov 18, 2011 in forum: Anime and Manga
  8. May Kitsune


    [You've just been Derproll'd.]

    This is Cat<3 Sora trolling; I dare you guys to watch til the end~
    Thread by: May Kitsune, Nov 15, 2011, 15 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. May Kitsune
    My third time trying not to get my post deleted on this exact place e.e' I really like the Chibi Roy Mustang where do you find the pictures? D: I can never find good cute pictures to use as avatars. Also, I'm not sure if this is you but the pictures seem really lighted up and bright it's okay for some but try having some of those pics a little darker. :)
    Post by: May Kitsune, Nov 14, 2011 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  10. May Kitsune
  11. May Kitsune


    This makes me think I have the Petit mal seizures... I often kind of daydream and think i'm asleep in class a lot and then I come back to reality super confused. Considering my grandma was epileptic.... Can you please explain more about it so I can maybe go check it out... ._.' I'm actually a bit scared now... I don't know much about epilepsy but how can you find out your symptoms...?
    Post by: May Kitsune, Nov 13, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  12. May Kitsune
  13. May Kitsune