Recent Content by Matthia

  1. Matthia
    I need help with this code (made by me)
    E002777F 0035BA5C
    20341191 00000005
    21C95809 00000005
    It's jokered to R1 + Left + Square and it should fill 5 drive bars. I found the addresses using Cheat Engine, but when I joker my code on my real Ps2 the game freezes, even if I'm on pause menu. Could you test it and tell me where I'm wrong?

    EDIT: I just found out that the code on top page "Nine Drive Bar" gives me the infinite Drive Bars I want - the name made me think it was about Drive growth...

    UPDATE: (I don't want to double post so I'm editing a second time)
    Now I want to hack the first Agrabah battle, the one that ends automatically - well, I want it to last forever, if possible. Here's the warp (jokered to L2 + R2 + Triangle)
    E002ECFF 0035BA5C
    2033ED30 01000007
    2033ED34 00000100

    Now I first tried the infinite time code from top page (this)
    20357418 00000000
    20357428 00000000
    which worked in the minigames but not in this battle,
    and then I tried to joker a modified version (L1 + R1 + Cross)
    E002B3FF 0035BA5C
    20357418 00000001
    20357428 0000FFFF
    with similar results.

    I'm sure that time counts because I was watching the addresse's values while playing (Cheat Engine again), but I don't know what to try now. Help? :)
    Post by: Matthia, Jan 4, 2013 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Matthia
    Items and Weapons codes found in page 4
    Battle Items
    003F881A 00000063

    003F881B 00000063

    003F881C 00000063

    003F881D 00000063

    003F881F 00000063

    003F8820 00000063

    003F8821 00000063

    Tent Items
    003F88A7 00000063

    Camping Set
    003F88A8 00000063

    003F88A9 00000063

    Power Up
    003F88B1 00000063

    Defense Up
    003F88B2 00000063

    AP Up
    003F88B3 00000063

    Magic Arts Codes
    Fire Arts
    003F88B7 00000001

    Blizzard Arts
    003F88B8 00000001

    Thunder Arts
    003F88B9 00000001

    Cure Arts
    003F88BA 00000001

    Gravity Arts
    003F88BB 00000001

    Stop Arts
    003F88BC 00000001

    Aero Arts
    003F88BD 00000001

    Shiitake Rank
    003F88BE 00000001

    Matsutake Rank
    003F88BF 00000001

    Mystery Mold
    003F88C0 00000063

    Synthesis Item Codes
    Lucid Shard
    003F8902 00000063

    Lucid Gem
    003F8903 00000063

    Lucid Crystal
    003F8904 00000063

    Spirit Shard
    003F8905 00000063

    Spirit Stone
    003F8822 00000063

    Spirit Gem
    003F8906 00000063

    Power Shard
    003F8907 00000063

    Power Stone
    003F8823 00000063

    Power Gem
    003F8908 00000063

    Power Crystal
    003F8909 00000063

    Energy Stone
    003F8824 00000063

    Blaze Shard
    003F890A 00000063

    Blaze Stone
    003F8825 00000063

    Blaze Gem
    003F890B 00000063

    Frost Shard
    003F890C 00000063

    Frost Stone
    003F8826 00000063

    Frost Gem
    003F890D 00000063

    Thunder Shard
    003F890E 00000063

    Thunder Stone
    003F8827 00000063

    Thunder Gem
    003F890F 00000063

    Shiny Stone
    003F8828 00000063

    Shiny Crystal
    003F8910 00000063

    Bright Shard
    003F8911 00000063

    Bright Gem
    003F8912 00000063

    Bright Crystal
    003F8913 00000063

    Mystery Goo
    003F8914 00000063

    Mystery Power
    003F88B4 00000063

    003F8915 00000063

    Gale Stone
    003F8829 00000063

    Mythril Shard
    003F8916 00000063

    003F8917 00000063

    Mythril Stone
    003F88B6 00000063

    003F8918 00000063

    Dark Matter
    003F88B5 00000063

    Keyblade Codes
    Kingdom Key
    003F886A 00000001

    Dream Sword
    003F886B 00000001

    Dream Shield
    003F886C 00000001

    Dream Rod
    003F886D 00000001

    Wooden Sword
    003F886E 00000001

    Jungle key
    003F886F 00000001

    Three Wishes
    003F8870 00000001

    Fairy Harp
    003F8871 00000001

    003F8872 00000001

    003F8873 00000001

    Divine rose
    003F8874 00000001

    003F8875 00000001

    003F8876 00000001

    003F8877 00000001

    Metal Chocobo
    003F8878 00000001

    Oath Keeper
    003F8879 00000001

    003F887A 00000001

    Lady Luck
    003F887B 00000001

    Wishing star
    003F887C 00000001

    Diamond Dust
    003F887E 00000001

    One-Winged Angel
    003F887F 00000001

    Ultima Weapon
    003F887D 00000001

    Shield Codes
    Knight's Sheild
    003F8890 00000001

    Mythrill Shield
    $003F8891 00000001

    Onyx Shield
    003F8892 00000001

    Stout Shield
    003F8893 00000001

    Golem Shield
    003F8894 00000001

    Adamant Shield
    003F8895 00000001

    003F8896 00000001

    Gigas Fist
    003F8897 00000001

    Genji Shield
    003F8898 00000001

    Herc's Shield
    003F8899 00000001

    Dream Shield
    003F889A 00000001

    003F889C 00000001

    Massive Bumper
    003F889D 00000001

    Seven Elements
    003F889E 00000001

    Save The King
    003F889B 00000001

    Staff Codes
    Mage's Staff
    003F8880 00000001

    Morning star
    003F8881 00000001

    Shooting star
    003F8882 00000001

    Magus Staff
    003F8883 00000001

    Wisdom Staff
    $003F8884 00000001

    003F8885 00000001

    Silver Mallet
    003F8886 00000001

    Grand Mallet
    003F8887 00000001

    Lord Fortune
    003F8888 00000001

    003F8889 00000001

    Dream Rod
    003F888A 00000001

    Wizard's Relic
    003F888C 00000001

    Meteor Strike
    003F888D 00000001

    003F888E 00000001

    Save The Queen
    003F888B 00000001

    Equipment Codes
    Protect Chain
    003F882A 00000063

    Protera Chain
    003F882B 00000063

    Protega Chain
    003F882C 00000063

    Fire Ring
    003F882D 00000063

    Fira Ring
    003F882E 00000063

    Firaga Ring
    003F882F 00000063

    Firagun Wrist
    003F8856 00000063

    Blizzard Ring
    003F8830 00000063

    Blizzara Ring
    003F8831 00000063

    Blizzaga Ring
    003F8832 00000063

    Blizzagun Wrist
    003F8857 00000063

    Thunder Ring
    003F8833 00000063

    Thundara Ring
    003F8834 00000063

    Thundaga Ring
    $003F8835 00000063

    Thundagun Wrist
    003F8858 00000063

    Ability Stud
    003F8836 00000063

    Guard Earring
    003F8837 00000063

    Master Earring
    003F8838 00000063

    Black Ring
    003F8860 00000063

    Chaos Ring
    003F8839 00000063

    Dark Ring
    003F883A 00000063

    Element Ring
    003F883B 00000063

    Three Stars
    003F883C 00000063

    Power Chain
    003F883D 00000063

    Golem Chain
    003F883E 00000063

    Titan Chain
    003F883F 00000063

    Energy Bangle
    003F8840 00000063

    Angle Bangle
    003F8841 00000063

    Gaia Bangle
    003F8842 00000063

    Magic Armlet
    003F8843 00000063

    Rune Armlet
    003F8844 00000063

    Atlas Armlet
    003F8845 00000063

    Moogle Badge
    003F885C 00000063

    Cosmic Arts
    003F885D 00000063

    003F8846 00000063

    003F8847 00000063

    Brave Warrior
    003F8848 00000063

    Ifrit's Horn
    003F8849 00000063

    Inferno Band
    003F884A 00000063

    Crystal Crown
    003F884B 00000063

    White Fang
    $003F884C 00000063

    Ray Of Light
    003F884D 00000063

    Holy Circlet
    003F884E 00000063

    Raven's Claw
    003F884F 00000063

    Omega Arts
    003F8850 00000063

    Royal Crown
    003F885E 00000063

    Premium Cap
    003F885F 00000063

    Ifrit Belt
    003F8859 00000063

    Shiva Belt
    003F885A 00000063

    Ramuh Belt
    003F885B 00000063

    EXP Earring
    003F8851 00000063

    EXP Ring
    003F8853 00000063

    EXP Bracelet
    003F8854 00000063

    EXP Necklace
    003F8855 00000063

    I've got a question on how to use HP Modifier codes for opponents (I quote the code)
    HP MOdifizierer opponent 3*
    1052B180 0000????
    if I use it, my opponent gets infinite HP (the value setted), any suggestion on how to fix it?
    Maybe I could increase the enemy's defence, but I don't find the code - could someone make it? It should be similar to these - for the strength
    Modifizierer opponent 3* strengthens
    0052B223 000000??

    A last thing: before reading the whole thread I tried to make a music modifier code. Now I've found it in the middle pages, but I'd like to do it anyway - I want to learn! I'm using Cheat Engine: I started the scan for Unknown value while I was listening a random music, then I moved in another world and seeked for a different value when the background music changed, and I went on for some time. But I left with a few millions of addresses to choose!! Any suggestion on how to haste the process? I'm still a newbe.
    Post by: Matthia, Sep 21, 2012 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Matthia
    Hi everyone :)
    I'm Mattia, a mathematician who still loves playing videogames. I'm also a newbie coder wishing to learn.
    Kingdom Hearts 1 was my first RPG and I loved it until I came to the end - I was so disappointed I couldn't go through the end title and save XD I discovered the way to cheat only a few time ago and now I want to replay it! So I came here :)
    Thread by: Matthia, Sep 21, 2012, 7 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures