Recent Content by MasterKeyblade777

  1. MasterKeyblade777


    kills kids!! Okay I was watching this Chuckie Movie last night and Chucky threw a grenade at a little kid and the kid blew up. Guts went everywhere!!! Tell me wut you think bout Chucky...
    Thread by: MasterKeyblade777, Aug 25, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. MasterKeyblade777

    I love you

    Thread by: MasterKeyblade777, Aug 25, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. MasterKeyblade777
    Xemnas sighed and said,"Well hurry back, I need you to clean up in here,". Then he opened a portal and left.
    Post by: MasterKeyblade777, Aug 25, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. MasterKeyblade777
    Xemnas heard Demyx and turned around. "Demyx!! What are you up to!?"he yelled.
    Post by: MasterKeyblade777, Aug 25, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. MasterKeyblade777

    Xemnas looked turned his head and said,"There's something going on with the organization and I don't like it." Then he teleported back to the attic. He sat down at his desk and picked up a paper. (Music starts) He read it and said,"Oh man, the ghosts are coming." Then he looked downstairs and saw the ghost. "Damn ghosts,"he said.
    Post by: MasterKeyblade777, Aug 24, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. MasterKeyblade777

    Sure, but you still need to check out my other rp, your on it as

    Um, you actually have to be a KH or FF character...sorry.

    Sure...way to be complicated fun. But Namine can't be a song writer cuz Sora writes the songs with suggestions from the band.
    Post by: MasterKeyblade777, Aug 24, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. MasterKeyblade777
    Okay guys this is my SECOND rp so I hope it's better than the last one. Okay, one day Sora, Riku, and Kairi were on the beach when they decided to make a rock band. Sora is the lead singer and rythym guitarist(ME), Kairi's the lead singer, and Riku's the lead guitarist, right now there looking for a drummer and there trying to make a record deal with MTV Music. There's going to be more players and a choir of many singers. You can go backstage and there will be refreshments and there is a bus after concerts. You guys can hang at the hotel. Always try to get lots of gigs and stay popular!! The rules are no spam, limit of people you can be is two, you can say anyhing but cuss words must be censored with *. Come join, you have to type in your character's name and intstrument. Have fun!!


    Lead Singer, Rythym Guitar: Sora

    Lead Singer: Kairi

    Lead Guitar: Riku

    Backup Singer and Dance Coreographer: Larxene
    Nymph of Destiny

    Clothes Desiner: Namine
    Nymph of Destiny

    Thread by: MasterKeyblade777, Aug 24, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  8. MasterKeyblade777

    ooc-Sure you can be Yuna...have fun!

    Right as Larxene was there, Xemnas appeared next to her. He started down at her with a glazed look in the eye. "What are you doingLarxene?" he said.
    Post by: MasterKeyblade777, Aug 23, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. MasterKeyblade777

    OOC-Okay guys, I'm gonna be Xemnas but remember, the limit of people you can be is three so i'm just Mickey, Cloud, and now Xemnas.
    Post by: MasterKeyblade777, Aug 23, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. MasterKeyblade777
    Cloud looked over to the stairs and then said," CRAP!!" Then he changed right into a ghost and jumped straight at Ash. But the REAL Cloud jumped in front of Ash and struck the ghost in the head. Black ash started flying out of the ghost and then it turned into a huge dark cloud. It raced over to the kitchen. "Come on!"Cloud screamed racing to the kitchen, clutching his sword.
    Post by: MasterKeyblade777, Aug 22, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. MasterKeyblade777
    oh man

    *sighs*steryotyping...I really hate it because since i'm tan and i hang with a lot of white guys some people don't really like me...they kinda excpect me to be a gangsta when i'm just a regular guy...really bugs the crap outa me.
    Post by: MasterKeyblade777, Aug 21, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  12. MasterKeyblade777
    Cloud gave Ash a confused look and then said," you know if Tifa's here?" His body faded slightly, but then it went back.
    Post by: MasterKeyblade777, Aug 20, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home