Recent Content by mastergamer
Jake stood up and looked out the window to see if the zombie was gone. What meat his eyes was heaven on earth. No zombies AND another living human. Quickly, he picked up his pipe and opened the door. "Hey! Over here!" He shouted to the girl. She looked to be about his age but he couldn't remember her face from any where.
((The girl is you character Polka Dot.)) -
Jake swang has hard as he could at the freaks head. He got a solid blow but only stunned it for a few seconds. Taking his chance, he kept a hold of the pipe and ran, knowing he couldn't kill the thing with a led pipe. As he turned the corner, he stole a backwards glance and saw the zombie beginning the chance again. Looking to his left, he saw no open door. If it was open, it meant someone, or something, could be inside. Deciding to try his luck, he ran across the street, into the building, and slammed and locked the door. A couple seconds later, he herd a loud thud hit the door. Slumping down, he sat with his back to the door, catching his breath.
((I PMed FinalForm and asked him something. Jake is still in the same situation for now.))
As he jumped, Jake began to think. What the hell did I do in a past life to deserve this? At the age of 18 no less. Five days ago all he had to worry about was building up the nerve to ask the chick he liked out. Now he had to worry about fighting for his life. After a few more jumps, he came to a gap that he couldn't clear. He pulled his twin revolvers from their holsters on his waist and climbed down the fire escape. Almost the second his feet hit the ground, a zombie rounded the corner. "Aw crap." He said out loud as he took aim at its head. He pulled the triggers. "Click." No bullets in the chamber? He pulled them a few more times for good measure. "Click, Click, Click." By this time, the dead lump of rotting flesh and seen him and was running after him. Sliding the revolvers back into the holsters, he picked a lead pipe from the ground and readied him self. -
((Your in Dot))
As he jumped, Jake began to think. What the hell did I do in a past life to deserve this? At the age of 18 no less. Five days ago all he had to worry about was building up the nerve to ask the chick he liked out. Now he had to worry about fighting for his life. After a few more jumps, he came to a gap that he couldn't clear. He pulled his twin revolvers from their holsters on his waist and climbed down the fire escape. Almost the second his feet hit the ground, a zombie rounded the corner. "Aw crap." He said out loud as he took aim at its head. He pulled the triggers. "Click." No bullets in the chamber? He pulled them a few more times for good measure. "Click, Click, Click." By this time, the dead lump of rotting flesh and seen him and was running after him. Sliding the revolvers back into the holsters, he picked a lead pipe from the ground and readied him self. -
((Yea. Lets. Your all in.))
Jake was sitting on the roof of a local grocery store, eating the food that he had just taken from the store below. These past four days he had been jumping from roof to roof to stay away from the zombies. He had found that they were less likely to find you up there, guessing that they were to stupid to clime. When he was finished eating he began to move again. Other than the military, he hadn't seen other normal humans and was starting to wonder if he was the last one. Looking down on the ground, he saw a group of zombies over take four military men and turn them. Glad it's not me. he thought as he continued to move. -
((Yay! This RP might not be a dud like my other few that I made on here. lol. You be in.))
Name: Jacob Swayer
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Career: currently unemployed
Main Weapon: Two, six shot revolvers
Secondary Weapon: What ever he finds when he's out of ammo.
Description: Jake was sitting in his room looking for a job in the local paper when he herd gun shots outside. Knowing not to be caught in a gun fight with a knife, he ran down to the basement and pulled two revolvers out of the gun safe. Walking out side, he saw the military shooting the zombies. He snuck out of his back door and ran.
Pic: -
I think mine was Pokemon Yellow at the age of 5......And I didn't beat it until I was 8. Part of that was because it got jacked and I had to get a new one...Pika ftw.
Survival, a Zombie RP
I felt like doing a Zombie RP for some reason. I don't really expect many people to be interested in this but I still posted.
On March 24th, 2013, roughly 2:18 am, a citizen of the secluded, rural town of Ardale, Michigan was transported to the emergency room with critical bite wounds to the neck and torso. This person, a scientist from a nearby research facility, was the catalyst of the infection. On the operating table he babbled of a virus that brought the dead to life yet filled them with insatiable hunger. They were alive, but they weren't human. Before doctors could extract any more information, Doctor Erickson died.
What the doctors hadn't expected was for Erickson to sit up a few moments later and begin feasting on one of the nursing assistants. Whoever was bitten turned into one of those horrible walking corpses. The virus spread quickly and without mercy. Citizens who made an attempt to escape were met with military barricades and unprejudiced slaughter. Within three days the city was completely overtaken.
It's now March 27th. You're one of the few who survived, by luck or by skill. Will you fight or will you flee? There's no escape, only patience. Patience enough for the zombies to starve. Will you live long enough to finally see past the walls of Ardale City? Or will you perish and become one of the walking dead? Only you can decide.
1. This RP is semi-lit. I'm not going to cuss you out for writing a short entry or spelling a couple words wrong. This RP is for fun, not to be submitted to our English teachers! xd
2. When talking out of character, please signify it by putting it in parentheses or some other distinguishing characters.
3. I prefer there be no fighting or killing with other RPers without the other player's consent. If you have their permission to attack, by all means, duke it out
4. There is no leaving Ardale. We're all stuck.
5. You can NOT be bitten by a zombie. If you are bitten, you turn into one, and therefore can't RP. We haven't found a cure for this dang thing yet.
6. Please, no super powers or anything supernatural. This is an attempt at realistic horror. You only have the tools around you, not super special fiery balls of lightning to attack your foes (even though that would be cool)
7. One character per person.
Profile Skeleton
Main Weapon:
Secondary Weapon:
((P.S. I'm not sure if this RP goes against any rules of KH-vids. If it does, I'm very sorry.)) -
Naruto Shippuuden/ Garra
Ok. This is something that I have been wondering about since I had seen that episode. Seeing how the Atutski (Spelling. sorry.) took the sand demon out of Garra wouldn't that mean he wouldn't be able to control sand any more? And yes I saw the part where Garra uses sand to make Naruto shake his hand, or am I completely wrong about that?
I'm sorry if this has already been answered but what system is that for?
Pokemon: Cobalt
Gathering his Pokemon around him. "Ok guys, watch them both. As of right now, I can't tell who will win." He told them as he turned his eyes back to the fight.