I think it's possible because there's a "no casting time" code for ToS already and I don't think these 2 games differ so much that this couldn't be possible here...
wow that's cool:D
imagine someone with natalia skillset:D
btw would it be possible to make an arte mod? some made it in symphonia. like giving spells to characters who originally don't have them. and not giving them to the list, adding them to the direction+O stuff:D
I don't think it's that easy or Evil would've made tons of codes.
BTW a status code anyone? like changing the status values (high defense+low attack=uber long battles:P)
Don't bet on it. If it's somewhat similar to Tales of Symphonia it may be possible (some guys on the tales forums found a left-out cameo and managed to play as her though it was glitchy because they used her with Kratos' moveset)
too much lol in one post arghhh*dies*
BTW I heard that the japanese version is much easier to hack than the US one...
in the japanese version there IS a mystic arte mod but the US had too much changes its totally different...
or those people spent more time hacking than evil spent(no offense to evil who's AWESOME)
i think he means not only chaining basic and advanced arts (or vice versa by that ad skill which's name i dont know) but spam any artes as long as you want and your tp lets you