Here you go: 828Y-MGD1-5FQ36 ZY43-VE70-MCQF5
I still play KH1, I actually find it a little bit longer than KH2, Maybe it's just me. XD
In the first Kingdom Hearts, the funniest thing i ever did was run right off the edge while fighting Riku on that small island.
This should be it: Floating Keyblades 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 24010001 200F900C 142F0002 200F9010 240F0005 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D14F4 0803E400
I'm not new to kh-vids, but this is my first time posting. Anyway, does anyone know if you can use the default Master code for codebreaker or do you need a different one for these codes?