Recent Content by Master Keyblade User

  1. Master Keyblade User
    there was a distant shout from saix " duck! " suddenly a bunch of hammers spun over the nobodies and beat up the " sepiroth midgets "

    OOC: =P lol i think " the sepiroth midgets" is a good name for em =D
    Post by: Master Keyblade User, Jun 2, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Master Keyblade User
    this is a war. a BIG WAR with 3 sides. u can choose light,darkness or twilight. No GOD LIKE no cheat code like things. just like powerful hero thing. you can kill someone if that someone agrees to it ( like for a BIG master plan ) You can have up to THREE characters :) ( but not on all 3 sides)

    Example of charater creation:

    element of magic:
    Info ( opitional ):
    Appearance ( optional):
    anyside notes ( optional):

    whos on what side:



    My Character:

    Name: Arkanar
    Gender: Male
    Side: Twilight
    Element: unknown
    info: A catlike humanoid. A person of few words to strangers. It's not easy to gain his trust. He has lived since time has begun. though no one knows how. He has another form that he uses when he gets angry or determined. A flaming elemental golem. Quicker than the human eye. stronger then 10 dragons. sometimes he uses a spell that covers him black flames...yet no one knows what it does...
    Thread by: Master Keyblade User, Jun 1, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Master Keyblade User
    Saix grumble. he began to think with his next move " everyone else will be useless. Xemnas's plan has gone to completely to " who's better than who " again. this is getting very strange. i may just need to focus on the outsiders and take them out. then finish the rest of the memebers. I hope Zexion is going well with his plans. soon Victory will be ours... " Saix opened a portal. it lead to the meteor spot. the life stream was still there " so if Xemnas used this then so can i. i just hope the wing isn't included " Saix walked into the lifestream.

    Post by: Master Keyblade User, Jun 1, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Master Keyblade User
    Saix growled at the loss of kingdom hearts. he saw Zack and Genesis fighting the nobodies " perfect. if Marlixula would come they would be perfect targets..... but i guess i will haft to do it myself...." Saix went through a dark portal and appeared behind Zack. he smacked him into Genesis and right into a wall. Berzerkers and Dancers beat them up. Saix smirked
    Post by: Master Keyblade User, May 30, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Master Keyblade User
    Saix appeared beside Xemnas. " you all are going to die. " Saix got out his weapon. " and your going to be reborn as heartless..."


    Saix appeared beside Xemnas, ready for battle
    Post by: Master Keyblade User, May 29, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Master Keyblade User
    Saix silently stormed around to where the meteor hit " this is the 2nd time that idoit escaped. i hope xemnas knew what he was doing with this meteor thing. " Saix reached the area. the lifestream was all over the place. " what in the world......."
    Post by: Master Keyblade User, May 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Master Keyblade User
    just read all the posts and stuff.... MY HEAD HURTS!!!

    Anyhow. sweet story so far
    Post by: Master Keyblade User, May 27, 2007 in forum: Archives
  8. Master Keyblade User
    OOC: sry i havn't been on of late. been having some time problems. lol. been locked up on work, and computer just turned into a piece of crap LOL.

    back to the story.......:

    Saix teleported in. running faster than a motorcycle, he smacked sephiroth's motorcycle, making it crash right into something. It injured sephiroth
    Post by: Master Keyblade User, May 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Master Keyblade User
    Saix teleported in, he looked annoyed " more intruders? are you people lazy? " he summoned his weapon, but looked at Sephiroth. " i've seen you before... " saix snickered " you'll make a nice heartless "
    Post by: Master Keyblade User, May 23, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Master Keyblade User
    i'm a ******ed boy...

    Ah well. Good story! liked it much
    Post by: Master Keyblade User, May 19, 2007 in forum: Archives
  11. Master Keyblade User
    i'll join =)

    Name: Arilen
    Race: complete
    Wep of choice: Very powerful and unknown swords
    Element: Twilight

    Info junk ( lol ): A quiet and odd person. he rarely talks and hardly anyone knows anything about him. rumors say that he was one of the first people to live. yet no one knows why he is alive. his battle style seems to be impossible to mimic or counter. some say that he is the very thing of fear

    Appearence: fully armored without a helmet. 2 glowing swords can be seen on his belt under his cape that completly covers him. looks young. like 17. but oddly has a black colored eye and a white one
    Post by: Master Keyblade User, May 18, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Master Keyblade User
    i'll be Saix
    Post by: Master Keyblade User, May 18, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Master Keyblade User
    n00bs. Riku all the way
    Post by: Master Keyblade User, May 13, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. Master Keyblade User
    Ok. i'm just a new guy to this website so bear with me if it's a piece of crap to read....

    Chapter one..... roxas finds the game

    One dark and dull day at the world that never was. Demyx was being a total ****** over his games. He said he just got a PS2 from some moogle guy. Anyhow, Roxas was just smacking on stuff with his keyblades when he smacked someting off the wall..
    " What the heck is this?" he thought, picking up the item. it looked like a small thin box... it said Kingdom Hearts on it.....and on the top PS2.... " Hey Demyx! Come get your Stupid weido crap! And why the heck does it say Kingdom Hearts!?"
    Demyx comes running down. " that's not mine...... but i'll take it!" he said, a glint in his eyes. Axels teleports in. " sorry. that's Vexans.... he jacked it off some man in a moogle costume.. along with a PS2...Gamecube... and some other junk"
    Axel sighed. " Vexan's a total freak.... he should get a telescope... not a dam Game System...." Roxas said with a grin. Suddenly loud music fills the area followed by yelling. " Here we go again... " Demyx sighed. Axel smacks him upside the head " it never happened before idoit"....
    Thread by: Master Keyblade User, May 12, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Archives