Now i have found and image during one of my news hunt when i came across a thread from pspgwebber (i think thats what its called) were i found this image. Now the location of were this image came from is not known but is said to have either came from the websites 2ch or 2chan...but i could not find the image from any of the websites.
This is the image-BTW the text says masters mark i believe
well i swapped the character mod part of the code with the code that lets you play as tarzan on destiny island and i just kept the animations and weapon worked for beast aswell
well again it doesnt do anything, i dont no what is going wrong....oh well just my luck =(
Ok so i got the code working...but on destiny island, i guess im going to have to deal with the fact that thats the only place they are going to work
ok...hey and also if that doesnt work (probobly wont) how did you put in your code like as soon as you started the game or when you were at the map before
well we arnt allowed to talk about emulators (i dont no why) but i guess i can tell you were you can get it...i cant give out links i say you should google it because they both have official websites just download the latest for each
oh i thought asp bite was an attack thats what wikki told me...oh well an animation is an animation ^^ thanks ill test it now
EDITZ: it doesnt work...the first attempt i was T stanced and i could move and use magic but it will stuff up the game and error reports and stuff...the second attempt i used the code when i was at the tent so i wouldnt T stance...but when i left i only had tarzans yea wonder what im doing wrong
Thanks they work great...hey sephiroth did you test the beast code? because it just doesnt work for me? could i try another character? maybe tarzan? with the abilities Raging Boar and Asp's Bite for the room outside the tent thats if you have time and all i dont want to be a bother ^^
thanks your should be charging for this stuff ^^
now im going to need an unlock atlanta and neverland because the complete codes dont really unlock the rest of the worlds...sorry to be such a bother =(
I have mixed results with this code...first im still sora but when i attack i have no keyblade and i see beast after strike image thing...and that code which lets me go to hallow bastion dosnt work...well it does but since i dont have the roots to get their i cant reach it yet so now i need a code to skip agrabah ^^ and ill see if it was the room mod that wasnt making the beast code work...OH and when i used the room mod to get to the room (forgot name lol) the entire place is barricaded with that invisible forcefield and i cant leave