This is one of the best goth rock visual kei bands. They are awesome and they are asian of course. All music is composed by the guitar player and fashion disigner Mana. If u get a chance look them up on youtube and i recommend listening to the following songs:
Well i have to say out of everygame out there squaresoft did for ps1 theres one title that stands out so much and is so awesome... This would be threads of fate.
Even tho u can beat the game in almost 5 hours (10 counting both storylines) its one of the best most thought out storylines and has great characters u will grow to love over the course of the game. It may be short but if u can find it and take up about 10 hours of ur life with it u will be pleased.
It leaves off so that there could be a sequel but unfortunately we havent seen one nor will we ever i dont believe. But if a second one were to come out id preorder it and prolly even cosplay the day it came out becuz threads of fate is one of the best action-rpgs on the market, and it prolly always will be...