Recent Content by MarissaTyphoon

  1. MarissaTyphoon
    I like what Ven's torso attire looks like in the first picture. :]
    Thanks Xaldin!
    Post by: MarissaTyphoon, Aug 4, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. MarissaTyphoon
    Ahh, the one in the white robe DOES look like Kairi.
    I always wondered why Namine wasn't like Roxas and didn't look like Kairi's twin, maybe this is actually her nobody? >>
    Post by: MarissaTyphoon, Aug 3, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. MarissaTyphoon
    I believe my first thought was "There are two!?'" because I went searching for the first one without even thinking about any sequel.
    Post by: MarissaTyphoon, Jul 7, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  4. MarissaTyphoon
    Today was hot. ><
    Stupid sun.
    Why is the weather always worse in kansas? ><

    *drinks two water bottles at once so not to dehydrate or have a heat stroke while waiting for family to get online again*
    Post by: MarissaTyphoon, Jul 7, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  5. MarissaTyphoon
    Ahh, that's amazing! I love it! :]
    Post by: MarissaTyphoon, Jun 23, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  6. MarissaTyphoon
    Yep. Families are weird sometimes..

    :] Thanks.
    Welp, I'd better put this laptop back in the hiding place he put it before he calls. x]
    Post by: MarissaTyphoon, Jun 23, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  7. MarissaTyphoon
    Oh, you know, didn't do the dishes, grounded for a week... Same old, same old.

    But I swear that horoscope was right. Saturday was a terrible day at my mom's house. x[
    Post by: MarissaTyphoon, Jun 23, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  8. MarissaTyphoon
    Stupid horoscopes. >>
    Hey everyone. Just sneaking on to let you know that I won't be on until maybe next monday. That is, unless I get grounded again...
    I'm hoping to be back monday, so we'll see...
    Post by: MarissaTyphoon, Jun 23, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  9. MarissaTyphoon
    My dad's the one forcing me to go over there. He's not a very good listener...

    Ughh, how did we get on such a sad topic? *wipes thoughts from brain*

    They look at you strangely, DP? That sounds like an amazing job.
    Post by: MarissaTyphoon, Jun 20, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  10. MarissaTyphoon
    My mom has a boyfriend too. x]
    A... couple of them... actually.... *ahem*

    But it isn't fair. When my sister turned fourteen, she didn't have to go to her dad's house anymore (we're half-sisters...) So why can't I choose not to go to my moms?
    It's not my fault they split up before I could even spell. I should get the same rights as my sister. I shouldn't have to go over there every other weekend if I want to. Sure, I'd go over there every now and then, but I don't like this whole.... forced to thing.

    well if she thinks your grandparents aren't then why doesn't she? >[

    What career path do you want to go down, DP?

    Retired military? Ouch...
    Post by: MarissaTyphoon, Jun 20, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  11. MarissaTyphoon
    It's like war world three over there. T.T
    My sister, although she's old enough, won't get a job and stays out all night with her boyfriend, while my mom just sits there and says she'll do something about it but never does.... Not to mention my sister does squat to help out around the house. ><
    I just wanna punch my sister sometimes. She is always complaining that mom stole money from her child support to pay for the bills, saying that her child support is hers and not mom's, which makes me wonder how in the world she thinks paying to keep a house running is not helping her out.
    Then she turns around and says that I wasn't raised right. pshh-ahhh. I do what my parents tell me, whther or not I bargain to get something out of it. My mom has to get a second job because of my sister and her cell phone bills. I swear, this weekend I am going to kill my sister if she yells at my mom one more time.
    >< people say I've got it easy all the time, but I'm practically in training to be a family therapist at the age of fourteen. x]

    Sorry, just needed to let steam out...
    Post by: MarissaTyphoon, Jun 20, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  12. MarissaTyphoon
    I'm a taurus.

    Not really, but I do believe my moms house is full of drama that I don't need in my life.
    Post by: MarissaTyphoon, Jun 20, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  13. MarissaTyphoon
    Ehh.. youtube.. ><

    So, I was looking through the forums and I found a horoscope, type thing and I decided to check my horoscope. ><
    Well, tomorrow is apparently going to be a bad day for me.
    Because "nothing is as it appears" and "uncertainty becomes greater as the day progresses" and let's not forget, "increasingly uncomfortable".

    And I go to my mom's house tomorrow too! ><
    Post by: MarissaTyphoon, Jun 20, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  14. MarissaTyphoon

    And I always thought astrology was a bag of baloney. x/ Apparently not...

    Hehe, I'm a Taurus too! x]
    Post by: MarissaTyphoon, Jun 20, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. MarissaTyphoon
    xDD That's progress.
    I can't wait to see it.
    I'm... uh... bored.
    And I need to work on a Shadow stuff-animal thing that I've been planning for the last month and a half. I've got all my supplies, I just gotta get to work. x]
    Post by: MarissaTyphoon, Jun 20, 2008 in forum: Forum Families