Recent Content by Marioluigiallstars

  1. Marioluigiallstars
    Pay as Ven code.

    Is the play as Ven code on the first page correct? I just used it, and it's Roxas in his Twilight Town clothes. Terra's with him, just the clothes need to be changed.
    Post by: Marioluigiallstars, Nov 15, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Marioluigiallstars
    Is this it?

    View attachment 2590

    I read it. I think I know how it works, but can you put it it layman's terms for me?
    Post by: Marioluigiallstars, Nov 14, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Marioluigiallstars

    I'm looking for a bunch of movesets, like:

    Sora w/Valor
    Sora w/Wisdom
    Sora w/Master
    Sora w/Final
    Sora w/Limit
    Sora w/Anti.

    And the forms with Sora's moveset.

    Thanks in advance.
    Post by: Marioluigiallstars, Nov 14, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  4. Marioluigiallstars

    On that code, which line is the keyblade modifier? He's got the Oathkeeper, but I want him to have the Hero's Crest.
    Post by: Marioluigiallstars, Nov 14, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  5. Marioluigiallstars

    Perfect! It works. Thanks a lot!
    Post by: Marioluigiallstars, Nov 14, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  6. Marioluigiallstars

    Ok, I'll try it out.


    Hmm, it didn't work after I held R2, and changed areas. I did it about three times. I just checked the code, and it's all correct.
    Post by: Marioluigiallstars, Nov 14, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  7. Marioluigiallstars

    Thanks! How do I get it to activate? It's just normal Sora, but no Dual-Wielding. Do I need to hold certain buttons, or go into a form?
    Post by: Marioluigiallstars, Nov 14, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  8. Marioluigiallstars
    DW Valor-Normal Sora

    I'm looking for the DW Normal/Valor Sora code, but can't find it. Can someone post it?

    BTW, thanks tSG1, for helping me in the previous post.
    Post by: Marioluigiallstars, Nov 14, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  9. Marioluigiallstars

    Does anyone know where to find the ability mods. for the DW Sora code? The one mentioned in the link I quoted. I can't seem to find them.
    Post by: Marioluigiallstars, Nov 13, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  10. Marioluigiallstars

    I don't want Infinite health...Just the last two. I'm not a "newb", I've already completed the game 100%. Does it make you a "newb" to want to screw with the game a little bit?

    Yeah, anyways, is there anyone who as/knows an "All Synthesis Items", and "All Keyblades" codes? I think I saw a request a few pages back, that looked similar to mine.
    Post by: Marioluigiallstars, Nov 7, 2009 in forum: Code Vault