Recent Content by Mareo-and-Anime

  1. Mareo-and-Anime
    Heh... You wouldn't happen to have that in ARMax PAL, would you? :sweat: :stupid:
    Post by: Mareo-and-Anime, Aug 1, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Mareo-and-Anime
    Bummer. >:\

    Well, if that's impossible, could somebody at least tell me what the no BGM code is please? I'd be most grateful.
    Post by: Mareo-and-Anime, Aug 1, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Mareo-and-Anime
    Really? O_6 Then... how do people show all these Hacked-Boss-Fight videos where they actually start in SoS? Do they load, say, Donald and Goofy as whoever-they-want-to-fight in Disney Castle and then joker the area?

    Or is there a code where you can actually save in SoS and return to SoS afterwards without it changing into a different room?
    Post by: Mareo-and-Anime, Aug 1, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  4. Mareo-and-Anime
    Well, I arrived in SoS with Riku and Goofy with the Savepoint some way away. I went onto the savepoint and saved into an empty file. I then reset the PS2 and loaded up the saved file without using any codes. Somehow I ended up in the thromeroom...
    Post by: Mareo-and-Anime, Aug 1, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  5. Mareo-and-Anime
    Uhm... A strange glitch has occoured... I used your Donald to Savepoint code along with this code:


    The savepoint code worked fine when I went to Disney Castle to Joker the Room Mod- It was me, Goofy and a savepoint. I held R2 and went into a new area, and it got me to SoS, but:

    1) It was Full Party with Goofy and Riku
    2) The savepoint itself was invisible, but still allowed me to save there.
    3) When I went back there to check it worked, with no codes on, I somehow ended up at the Where Nothing Gathers throneroom! O_o

    Any clue what happened?
    Post by: Mareo-and-Anime, Aug 1, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  6. Mareo-and-Anime
    Alright- Back in a jiffy.
    Post by: Mareo-and-Anime, Aug 1, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  7. Mareo-and-Anime
    Battle Warp and BGMs

    Okay, I really need some expert advice on this situation, can anyone help me?

    I'm trying to get a savepoint onto Station of Serenity so I can set up specific fights, but the codes I'm using won't let me do it properly:


    Donald to Savepoint:

    Full Party:

    Station of Serenity Warp (R2 in new area):




    (The above code gets me there solo.)

    I know all the codes work seperatly, I've tried them all out, but I just can't seem to get any of the SoS codes to work with the savepoint code. I've even tried both holding-R2-until-the-screen-loads and tapping R2, but nothing seems to work!

    Can anyone tell me where I'm going wrong?

    Oh, and what's the code for no BGM?
    Post by: Mareo-and-Anime, Aug 1, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  8. Mareo-and-Anime
    Really? Aw, fudge... :nerve: So much hassle... Thanks anyway.
    Post by: Mareo-and-Anime, Jul 17, 2008 in forum: Production Studio
  9. Mareo-and-Anime
    Frustrating effect

    Hi there! ^_^ Can anyone tell me how to flip video footage on Ulead VideoStudio11? I mean instead of, say, Sora walking onscreen from the left, how to flip the footage so he walks onscreen from the right? Can anyone help me?
    Post by: Mareo-and-Anime, Jul 11, 2008 in forum: Production Studio
  10. Mareo-and-Anime
    Probably... Demyx & Saix...

    Demyx: Oh, we do to have hearts!
    Saix: No. We don't.
    Demyx: What? Yes we do-!
    Saix: No. We don't.
    Demyx: But-!
    Saix: No.
    Demyx: What about-!
    Saix: No.
    Demyx: Aw, c'mon-!
    Saix: No.
    Demyx: *pouts* (Meanie...)
    Saix: ...Yes. I am.
    Post by: Mareo-and-Anime, Jun 20, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. Mareo-and-Anime
    Just a counter-topic for

    And also: What did you think at the time?

    I'll start it off: I got it soon after going into 'The Great Fire' task in 'Timeless River' . Those annoying 'Hot Rod' Heartless had almost killed me after ambushing me. So I thinks: "It's Valor time!"

    Not so much.

    I just thought 'AACCKK-WHOA!!! Whattheheckisthatthing?!?' I honestly thought I'd screwed up the game or something!

    They still killed me though. (Stupid Hot Rods...)
    Thread by: Mareo-and-Anime, Jun 20, 2008, 127 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. Mareo-and-Anime
    Sorry to post again, but doe anyone actually have a code for no music, either in battle or out of battle?
    Post by: Mareo-and-Anime, Jun 16, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  13. Mareo-and-Anime
    Hmm... Anyone got a code for no music?
    Post by: Mareo-and-Anime, Jun 14, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  14. Mareo-and-Anime
    Most likey... Have they come out with any names for them yet? I've heard the word 'Soulless' kicked about a few times... Or was it 'Endless'?
    Post by: Mareo-and-Anime, Jun 12, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX