Recent Content by mania

  1. mania
    What Michael Daraghy said, don't take it personally sora but if there's only some untranslated strings missing and those couldn't be finished since june '15 when I created this account I wonder what kind of progress has been made. The bugs don't appear to be game breaking from what others wrote and it's not guaranteed that your patch will be bug free when it's finished either I guess. Why not at least take all the translations and incorporate them into your own patch?
    Also, you should really update your blog with the latest info on the 1.5 patch or at least answer 1-2 comments, people get confused as to why there are bugs in the patch. The title "Kingdom Hearts Final Mix Complete English Patch" + the description "With this complete english patch this will include: Kingdom Hearts Final Mix Complete English Patch (mediafire link); • Game Locations listed by bullet points" is misleading at best.
    Your blog is pretty much the first google entry for "KH eng patch" after all.
    Post by: mania, Feb 5, 2016 in forum: Code Vault
  2. mania
    So what's the latest patch one should use right now? The one on sora6645s blog seems outdated. Or are you still working on the bugfixes? And if so, do you have an estimate when it could be finished?
    Post by: mania, Jan 8, 2016 in forum: Code Vault
  3. mania
    Evening guys. Just got a quick question, which translation patch is more complete, this one here or sora6645s on his blog? Your files appear to be more up to date age wise, but sora states his contains
    • Hollow Bastion
    • Traverse Town
    which are listed in the first post to be not translated here. Is that still correct?

    Have a good one.
    Post by: mania, Jun 17, 2015 in forum: Code Vault