Recent Content by MandyXRiku4ever

  1. MandyXRiku4ever
    First Scenario
    Hypothetically speaking, what if Sora were to keep fighting the heartless on Destiny Islands until he reached level 99? I'm going on a trip and I plan on playing on the PS2 for a long time.

    What would exactly happen to Sora if he were to become super strong fighting weak heartless at the very beginning of the game? I'm talking about the original KH without skip scenes.

    First Question
    How does one the Ice Titan? I've looked this up online and there are two ways to defeat him: have your guard up & wait to deflect his attacks or keep hitting him with fire. I've tried both of these, should I be do a combination of some sort?

    Thank you for taking the time to answer my question & my scenario. I really appreciate it!
    Thread by: MandyXRiku4ever, Dec 22, 2015, 1 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  2. MandyXRiku4ever
  3. MandyXRiku4ever
    UM it's snowing in my hometown and it's still colder up here than where it is right now. >.< So not fair. The snow also melted away too. And when I come back, the cold front will be coming in. Great. >:(
    Post by: MandyXRiku4ever, Nov 27, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. MandyXRiku4ever
    As a college student, I only drink soda or energy drinks IF:

    -Finals Study Session
    -Paper Due
    -Project Due
    -Stress Relieving Session
    -Want to finish a series on Netflix/Hulu
    -Drank Water, Milk & Tea all week and I'm treating myself

    And since finals are coming up, I'm going to be super stressed out. But procrastination is so much fun until you realize you have projects to do, quizzes to study for and more. Plus it doesn't help when you're best friends with a dentist major who reminds you that drinking soda and coffee will stain your teeth then proceed to show the proof. Mind you, this is after the fact you've bought a 12 pack of Dr. Pepper. What's your excuse?
    Post by: MandyXRiku4ever, Nov 27, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  5. MandyXRiku4ever
    Let me see if I got this correct because I still haven't played BBS: Ven, the cheerful one, ends up sleeping for ten years. Terra, the stoic one, nearly kills his father/master and ends being taken over by Master Xenhorant but fights himself against his suit that still has his will. Plus, doesn't Terra sumbit to the darkness until he realizes it's too late. Aqua, the one who did everything right, goes after Terra and Ven right after she becomes a Keyblade master only to come back home with a sleeping Ven that her home and only father figure is killed, thanks to the darkness. She then tries to save the both of them from their mistakes and mishaps. While trying to create some good, she makes Castle Oblivion for Ven. However, she ends up in the RoD for about 11 years. Near the 11 years she meets with the Real Ansem, to have a conversation and she gets to see the 2 out of 3 hereos going back into the RoL (Realm of light) thanks to the letter from the girl (Kairi) she saved.

    Don't know if I got everything correct but I'd have to say Aqua, with Terra and Ven in second place. Aqua always believed in her friends and she always was cleaning up their messes. It's like doing everything right, having your dreams accomplished for a second only for your friends to ruin it, causing you to go and chase after them. Along the way you give charms to a little girl whose heart is filled with light and bless the keyblade to a boy whose heart is also filled with light. Other than that, I feel bad for Aqua. It's like she's trying to do everything she can, even with help she's still doing most of it. Though, imagine being tricked by your 'mentor' who killed your father and sleeping for 11 years, only revealing your memories to the boy who didn't past the test.

    PS: Aqua was anti-darkness, but does she realize that light and darkness need to coexist?
    Post by: MandyXRiku4ever, Nov 25, 2014 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. MandyXRiku4ever
    Guys, please keep in mind that this is just the beginning. I know people who live in that area and I'm just hoping that it doesn't get out of hand.
    I just hope that no one will get hurt tonight....>_<
    Post by: MandyXRiku4ever, Nov 24, 2014 in forum: Current Events
  7. MandyXRiku4ever
  8. MandyXRiku4ever
    Profile Post Comment

    Guess who?

    Guess who?
    Profile Post Comment by MandyXRiku4ever, Nov 24, 2014
  9. MandyXRiku4ever
    So ladies and gentlemen, has anyone seen this one yet?

    I enjoyed it throughly, except for a few scenes were a too graphic for my tastes but Melissa McCarthey and Sandra Bullock always make an excellent movie together.

    Your thoughts my fellow adult movie watchers?
    Thread by: MandyXRiku4ever, Aug 14, 2013, 0 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  10. MandyXRiku4ever
    When you come across the Sea Witch the first time, have ethers stock up like crazy because then you shoot your magic out at the little cavalry thingy which then knocks her out (she spins in circles laughing like a manic because she's Urusla, don't get to close to her when she's in twirl mode, F.Y.I) if you don't then get magic will be used against YOU, which then makes it harder to defeat her. Plus her two babies will keep on attacking you (it's easier to kill them but she revives them after a while). The colors to her circle thing go like this (red = fire, blue = blizzard, and then yellow = thunder) after that the thing will turn green so keep putting your magic in it until she's knocked out, then smash away! Continue to do this & it'll be an easy first defeat! Then after you defeat her it will be cutscene then a shared ability (yay!) my advice would be go to where you can save and access the gummi because....

    The second time is make sure everyone in your party (including you) is wearing a thunder ring. It'll come in handy when she does her lightening strike attacks. If you have a lot of munny saved, buy a thundara ring if you can from traverse town from Cid's shop. Also, have some potions on you & if you are using strike raid, be sure to stock up on ethers as well. Use Ariel for this one is my recommendation. Then, you'll be in the palace & go to Ariel's place then unlock the keyboard with cutscene. She'll give you a key blade chain.

    Another thing! Use the key blade Merlin gave you for the first Ursula attack but for the second attack use the one Aladdin gave you! Good luck!

    Hope this helps!

    Also, I have a question, how does Sora get glide 3x? I have super glide but I still need another glide so help? Thank you!
    Post by: MandyXRiku4ever, Aug 4, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  11. MandyXRiku4ever
  12. MandyXRiku4ever
    I hate to sound like I'm thirteen but omigosh guys I'm so excited that I have this stupid grin plastered to my face. And allow me for just for a moment go "Finnick!" because c'mon, it's Finnick and Finnick is just uber hotness.That sentence made no sense AT ALL, but whatever.

    Plus, I've already made plans to go see it already, because I'm that much of a fan.

    I'm looking forward to seeing it, though hopefully, it will stick to the book.

    Thank you for posting the trailer, and sorry for being a fan-girl! :O I'm really sorry!
    Post by: MandyXRiku4ever, Apr 21, 2013 in forum: Movies & Media
  13. MandyXRiku4ever
    HEY YA'LL!

    I just got done with my school's production of 'OKLAHOMA' and I must say, this classic musical is now under my top 25 of musical lists. Reason? Well, there's this part in Oklahoma when the two main characters have agreed to get married and the male role decides to let everyone know the 'old-fashion way' (basically, he screams at the top of his lungs that he's marrying her, despite the fact they're in public but still..) and let's just say that it's my fan-girl moment over that has become an expection. But, it's my dream for my future fiance to do that, even if it's not very original, I would like that happen to me.

    So my favorite scene in Oklahoma is Act 2, Scene 1 (towards the end) and the song 'People Will Say We're in Love' because it's just-ugh-so romantic and it's a dream that probably won't come true.

    So KH-vids members, what is your favorite scene/song in Musicals? (you have to include at least one and explain why, or try to, like I tried to.)

    Can't wait to read your responses!
    Thread by: MandyXRiku4ever, Apr 21, 2013, 0 replies, in forum: Literature