Recent Content by MageofStarlight

  1. MageofStarlight
    One: Xenmas
    He can throw skyscrapers at people. Seriously.

    Two: Axel
    Well, I like him, and his fire attacks are just too darned cool.

    Three: Demyx
    Um...yeah, he's not wimpy. He can easily kill you without breaking a sweat.

    Four: Leon
    Gunblade of awesomeness, anyone?

    Five: Xigbar
    Popping out of nowhere? Shooting people upside down? That already is a very cool fight.
    Post by: MageofStarlight, Feb 3, 2009 in forum: New Releases
  2. MageofStarlight
    Yes, the theory of Axel=Reno has been disproven, but I still am curious as to whether people think Axel or Reno as the better of the two.
    Don't forget to give a valid reason as to why Axel or Reno is better. (Don't just say one is more cooler than the other.)
    (And in case someone doesn't know who Reno is, he's one of the Turks in FFVII (I think). He has the exact same voice actor as Axel, as well.)
    Thread by: MageofStarlight, Jul 9, 2008, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. MageofStarlight
    Well, ever since Nomura said that Axel has rejoined with his somebody, I have a few questions...
    1. Nomura stated that since Axel's Heartless and then Axel's Nobody were destroyed, he joined with his somebody. However, what or who was Axel's Heartless? How was it destroyed?
    2. Shouldn't this rule also apply to Xehanort? His Heartless, Ansem, was killed first, and then his Nobody, Xenmas, was killed after that. Does this mean that Xehanort will come back?
    3. Is there any other Nobodies this could apply to? Any of the Organization members?

    I appreciate any answers for these questions. Thanks!
    Thread by: MageofStarlight, Jun 30, 2008, 13 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX