Recent Content by Luxila

  1. Luxila
    I can't wait for the HD scenes being uploading on the site! Will they have a 1.5 remix box of their own or will another tab be put into the respective games for the new HD scenes?
    Post by: Luxila, Sep 10, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. Luxila
    But why Xbox one? It just seems to be such a random move on their part. Kingdom Hearts has always been as exclusively Playstation franchise (hand-held titles being depatable but numbered titles solid in the argument). Are they trying to pull what they did with ff13? Because even then I found it weired to see a playstation game with a green xbox cover :/
    Post by: Luxila, Jun 12, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. Luxila