Recent Content by LunarScribe0

  1. LunarScribe0
    Dang, I figured that might be the case. Are there any good resources around for learning about making codes? I'd like the code to work, so I'm willing to figure it out myself.
    Post by: LunarScribe0, Sep 29, 2019 in forum: Code Vault
  2. LunarScribe0
    Hey, I'm having trouble with this code. All the other codes I'm using work. I'm using English-patched KH1 Final Mix on PCSX2-- I don't know if the English patch could be causing problems or what, but I'd appreciate if someone could tell me anything I could try or if the code needs to be modified or something.
    Post by: LunarScribe0, Sep 28, 2019 in forum: Code Vault