Recent Content by Lumpy

  1. Lumpy
    a quick thought

    Going in line with Vader's theory and the Ven being erased thing.

    What if, and I know we all heard this before, Ven is Sora's older brother?

    We've no idea if Sora is a single child. And if Ven was Sora's brother but was erased by Aqua then the memories of him would dissapear right? That is if Aqua and Namine have the similar powers.

    So noone would know he was gone or that he even existed.

    And addressing Xemnas, the apprentice Xehanort suddenly appeared with no memory so maybe after the organization recruited Namine Xemnas had her restore his own true memories.

    And given the fact that Terra and Xehanort look alike it's possible that Terra is Xehanort. But that leaves afew things unanswered doesn't it?
    Post by: Lumpy, Aug 31, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX