oh yea! i made my chara on broa 2-day and lvled her up to 8 but i cant find my friends........ ;_;
so wut's goin on?
hi every one!
ellow!! :) <_< >_> nvm...... *leaves*
good night i should be here tomorrow tho.....
............................i don't know why but that post made me sound like the wierd one............... -_- or you could look @ the anime piks on photobucket and draw insperation from them, DON'T COPPY just get insperation...
i sometimes look @ my sisters doll magazienes or 3d modles or piks of ppl i've seen in a magazene.....that sometimes helps.....
you got any photo shots of ppl you'd like to draw?
how 'bout sumthin you like? fanart?
this girl, she's suposed to be in the moon along w/these hanging stars she looks bord..... just came to me out of random.... as soon as i get a photo shop im so adding mor textuer to it...
RUN KITTY!!!! im drawing right now ^_^
BUNNY!! =^-^= im a kitty...!
my other friend is on that same wrold....... i was gonna meet her there
m....somthing......you know the first 1 im probably gonna make a new chara any way so wut world r u on.....?
i'll add you and still im NOT forcing you , so dont make any decision against your will i dont think he's gonna say anything else.............