Recent Content by Luigi12

  1. Luigi12
    are you going to make the rest of the org members after marulxia?

    Post by: Luigi12, Jul 24, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  2. Luigi12
    ok so if you do finish him tomorrow,you might release him later on that day,or on saturday.
    and what about tidus will he be included as a update as well.
    p.s thank you for answering my questions.
    Post by: Luigi12, Jul 19, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  3. Luigi12
    is marluxia really close to being done?
    Post by: Luigi12, Jul 14, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  4. Luigi12
    3 Questions:
    1.are zack and tidus going to be included in updates of the game?
    2.if your making a roxas what type of roxas is it going to be,one with a single keyblade or double,or are you going to just make both of them as in one character? many org 13 members do you have left to make?
    and can't wait for the release of marluxia and the first release of the game.
    Post by: Luigi12, Jul 12, 2012 in forum: Gaming