Recent Content by Lt.Random

  1. Lt.Random
    Author's notes:
    -Okay so i've been writing this story on kh13 for a while and decided i want to share it here too
    -I understand if, initially, the plot seems to get confusing(though i haven't had complaints about that so far) so i just want to point out that this is one of those stories that become clearer by the end.
    -If you have any complaints or suggestions please DO mention them. I'm looking to improve ^__^
    -Le enjoy...

    Chapter 1: The Dark Blade Rises
    With Kairi's training complete, Lea's skills improved and no doubt that Sora and Master Riku were ready, Yen Sid sent them out on their journey along with Donald and Goofy. Mickey stayed behind.
    "Master Yen Sid, do you think they can do it?', Mickey asked the tall, old man standing in front of the window.
    A small flash of light and something appeared in his hand, something he held dear. Mickey could only make out a small, silvery glow.
    "I do hope they can Mickey", Yen Sid replied as his mind went on to recall his past.....

    The waves crashed against the shore as the Sun got lower. They had decided to go to the beach that day. The two sat near one of many rocks across the beach. A young and lovely eighteen-year old examined the beautiful blue lining on the rocks while, next to her, her boyfriend sat reading a book. Underneath his short grey hair there was a clear sign of frustration. She giggled.
    He threw his book on the soft beach sand.
    "Agh, I hate this stupid subject", he exclaimed.
    "I know hun, but you need to pass that test. Your grades are falling, Yen", she told him.
    "Yeah, but...why astrology!? Like I'm ever going to go all 'Oh the stars tell me things'!", Yen said, imitating their Astrology teacher. He really hated studying about the subject. She laughed.
    "Oh come on it's not that bad. Astrology's really fun", she tried to convince him. She kissed his cheek. "Come on you'll ace that test".
    Yen sighed and picked up his book. She could never really fail to convince him.
    "Fine, but you're going to help me", Yen demanded.
    "It's a deal", she smiled, her long, black hair blew in the wind.

    Just then came a voice from behind them."Evening, lovebirds".
    Yen turned around to see his best-friend already seated on the rock behind them. "Oh Saito, where were you?",Yen asked.
    "Ah just hanging around by the plains", he shrugged."So what are you and Anna up to?".
    "Well i'm supposed to be helping Yen with Astrology", Anna answered.
    "Oh yeah the test!". He put his hand on Yen's shoulder, “you’re screwed, you know that, right?", Saito blurted out, at which point Anna gave him an annoyed look.
    "Um thanks for the support?", Yen muttered.
    "No problem buddy, I always got your back", Saito replied cheerfully. Anna face-palmed.

    For a while they remained quiet. Simply admiring the sunset, that matched the sound of the waves perfectly.
    "So, Saito, how's your preparation going?", Anna asked.
    "It's going good", he replied.
    "You're still trying to get there?", Yen asked as he and Anna turned around.
    "Well yeah", Saito got off the rock and turned towards the city and looked at the large floating castle at the center."I know it's tough, but one day I wanna go in that castle and be one of the Guardians. Our world is the only one closest to Kingdom Hearts so we're pretty much meant to protect it", he explained.
    "Protect it? From what?", Yen asked, looking bored.
    "Um, the war?", Saito replied.
    Yen turned back towards the sea."They won't make it this far. Trust me", Yen assured him.
    Saito looked towards the large, heart shaped figure, floating near the castle. Anna noticed a bit of tension and worry on his face
    Just then they heard the sound of a bell ringing. They could see nearby people getting up and heading towards the city. An armored man on a Keyblade Glider floated nearby."Public announcement, please proceed to the Skyscraper", he shouted.
    "We should go", Anna urged them.

    At that moment another armored person appeared floating on a glider right in front of them.
    "You three, get moving! Don't you know what the bells mean?", the person yelled in, what was clearly, a woman's voice. The trio immediately got to their feet and proceeded to the city.
    "Do you guys think it's about the war?", Saito asked.
    "It might be. We'll find out soon enough", Yen replied as the three approached the large crowd in front of the skyscraper. Armored soldiers hovered around on their gliders nearby.

    Meanwhile, in the castle...
    A group of men sat in a circle in a large room. Each of them had a look of seriousness on his face. Although serious expressions were common, this time there was a discussion that created an atmosphere of fear, though it was well hidden behind their expressions. "Galanort has been gaining power", one of them finally spoke.
    "He seems to be stronger than we thought and his power keeps growing", another one spoke. All the chairs were in a perfect circle and were all of he same height."My men have fought this man. The only survivor says-"
    "We know that, Master Koshi. He may have created a dark copy of the X-blade, but that does not make him invincible!", another man interrupted.
    "It doesn't, Master Oraka? Creating a dark copy is something no one thought could be done and yet here we are facing a threat to the light!",Koshi yelled.
    "Calm yourself, Master Koshi",a man with brown hair slammed his fist on the table.
    "Calm myself? In a matter like this?!", Koshi was outraged.
    "Everyone QUIET!", an old, yet strong looking man yelled, “we will not stop Galanort by arguing among ourselves. We came here to discuss our next move and that is what we are going to do!", his words were firm and the atmosphere settled a bit.
    "Yes Master Galleon, you're right", Oraka spoke.
    "Now then, we know Galanort's forces have taken several worlds and used the light in them to forge their own keyblades, but Galanort is seeking something more than just war. He wants the real X-blade!", Galleon explained.
    "The King has sensed a disturbance in Kingdom Hearts. Will anyone care to explain that?", Oraka asked.
    "I can", the brown haired man spoke. What you're about to hear might shock you".
    "Carry on", Koshi encouraged.
    The man took a deep breath and began speaking," Galanort's men have been using special devices. The light that Master galleon mentioned that are being used to forge fake Keyblades..those lights...are hearts!".
    All the men in the room looked at each other.
    "They use these strange devices", he continued," to suck out the hearts and then use them for their own agenda. And when hearts disappear, darkness gains power, or in this case- Galanort gains power".
    "Harvesters", Oraka muttered.
    "You've heard of these?", Galleon asked.
    "Yes. They are wretched weapons of pure evil. they suck out a person's heart and convert them into energy", Oraka replied and looks of fear were exchanged across the room. They were facing an enemy with the power to suck out their hearts and it was clear he was coming for their's.
    Master Galleon got up. "Very well then, as guardians of the Realm Of Light, we will protect this world and make sure Galanort never gets the X-blade. Now, if you excuse me gentlemen I have to go give an announcement. We will discuss this further when i return", he spoke and then left through a Light portal.
    Thread by: Lt.Random, Mar 4, 2013, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  2. Lt.Random
  3. Lt.Random
    Profile Post Comment

    whaaaaiii not?

    whaaaaiii not?
    Profile Post Comment by Lt.Random, Jan 4, 2013
  4. Lt.Random
    The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho.
    Truly inspiring book
    Post by: Lt.Random, Jan 4, 2013 in forum: Literature
  5. Lt.Random
    I can't really decide. They're both so pretty x3
    Post by: Lt.Random, Jan 4, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  6. Lt.Random
    Profile Post

    ze invasion! :D

    ze invasion! :D
    Profile Post by Lt.Random for Labrys, Jan 4, 2013
  7. Lt.Random
    The invasion has begun :3
    Status Update by Lt.Random, Jan 4, 2013